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  • Book Size: 21 cm × 27 cm
  • Pages: 128 pages
  • Printing: offset 4 colours, perfect bound
  • Language: English
  • Extra contents: inner brochore in Chinese translations
  • ISBN: 978-986-89725-2-0
  • Limited Edition: 1000

It's a collection of photographic works focuses on the theme: FOOD. Featuring_____Mémé Bartels, Thomas Calvert, Maurice van Es, Ada Hamza, Matthew Higgs, Lauren Hillebrandt, Po-Chih Huang 黃博志, Maurizio Di Iorio, Philippe Jusforgues, Margaret Lee, Stefano Marchionini, Ina Niehoff, Ken Ngan and Rirkrit Tiravanija.

"Eating? Having food is one of the fundamental things on our surviving checklist. Just like breathing, it’s about keeping us alive.

I enjoy reading the description of food consuming in different books, which sentences are full of details. I would imagine the Yun-Pian-Gao (square-shaped white glutinous rice-cake), each piece of cake is just as slight as ideal to taste (from “The Travels of Lao Can”). Or the whole paragraph of how the character was cooking spaghetti (from “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”). And I've transcribed a section somewhere in my notebook, that writes about Gertrude and her lover’s dining diary in Paris in Paris (“The Autobiography of Alice B.Toklas”). Even they’re just a few words, they could bring me to experience the moment. We could share the mood without explanation, the imprint of food is mutual for human being." (Shauba Chang)

