
Change Currency


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  • Book Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Pages: 144
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Soft cover
  • Language: English / Chinese
  • ISSN: 2308575-4
  • Publication Date: Winter 2013
  • Publisher: Waterfall

NOT TODAY第一期,我們安排了幾個我們很感興趣的單元。OBJECTS單元一共收錄了六個物件,品項橫跨時尚單品、常民物件與藝術品等;我們拜訪了服裝設計師陳劭彥位於倫敦的住家兼工作室,也在丹麥設計工作室NORM ARCHITECTS成員Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen的家裡進行訪問;為了THE KITCHEN單元,年輕藝術家許尹齡親自烹製「夏日肌情」料理;而當讀者進入SOMETHING SPATIAL單元,或許也會對「現地製作藝術」的相關問題提出看法;至於在A SPACE FOR單元裡,我們帶領讀者進入兩個全然不同的概念空間,分別是巴黎的複合式概念店The Broken Arm以及近日於高雄成立的弔詭畫廊;此外,我們也與外國藝術家合作,策劃了與台灣有關的專題內容:來自南非開普敦的藝術家Nico Krijno運用台灣服裝設計師作品,於當地拍攝一組時裝照片;而著名的日本藝術家米田知子則接受了HI TAIWAN計劃的邀約,南下菁寮,帶來了一系列動人的全新影像創作。

NOT TODAY是一本從「空間」出發的藝術雜誌,邀請了許多對空間有想法、有創造力的人參與,它想說的是空間與人的關係,呈現人對生活與藝術的追求和選擇。我們棲身於此,設法打開每一扇門,也享受拜訪的樂趣。

For this first issue of NOT TODAY, we came up with a number of interesting sections. In OBJECTS we selected 6 different items that shine through our daily life. We conducted INTERVIEWS with fashion designer SHAO YEN and design studio NORM ARCHITECTS at the places where they live and work. In THE KITCHEN, we present a five-course dinner by young artist Yin-Ling Hsu. Entering SOMETHING SPATIAL, you could have your answers for site-specific art. In A SPACE FOR ______, you will find yourself encountering The Broken Arm in Paris and Crane Gallery in Kaohsiung. Furthermore, we invited foreign artists to work on something Taiwanese—Cape Town based artist Nico Krijno shot a fashion story with 8 Taiwanese designer brands, and established Japanese artist Tomoko Yoneda accepted our invitation to partake in the HI TAIWAN project; she went down to southern Taiwan and brought us a series of beautiful images of the town Jingliao.

 It’s all about space perception. We want to talk about all kinds of concepts about spaces that exist in our daily life and conceptual mind. By talking about it, we elaborate how art plays in-between.