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  • Book Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Pages: 128
  • Extra contents: Sociology, A Chief’s Idea
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Soft cover
  • Language: English / Chinese
  • ISSN: 2308575-4
  • Publication Date: Summer 2015
  • Publisher: Waterfall

“The text is like an object. It’s gonna change perspective based on where you are standing.” — Excerpts from Clouds of Sils Maria

6/6, NOT TODAY has reached the end of its volume 1. This issue focuses on local. There are more Taiwan related items in OBJECTS. We met two ladies from the art industry for INTERVIEWS. They shared their life ethos with us. Sound artist Yung-Ta Chang is the paper DJ for THE PLAYLIST. Artist Liu Yu has become a stalker and she took her FIELDNOTES on facebook everyday. For A SPACE FOR_____, Chef Joël Chen searched for hometown images of his childhood as well as artist Yi-Hsuan Peng created imaginations of an exotic destination. CURATOR Freya Chou TRIPPED to Berlin and brought us a poem from Dorothea Lasky. In GEZELLIGHEID, photographer Annabel Miedema shared her flavoursome moments with XIEXIE tea girls. Talented duo Exercise & Edit proposed an unorthodox food-making idea of post-Taoism for THE KITCHEN. In HI TAIWAN, artist Maya Hewitt went to Luzhunan. The ambiguity in landscape created a mixture impression of time and space throughout her residency. For REVIEW section, art critic Po-Wei Wang wrote an essay on transitions in craft,art and design from design perspectives.


「台詞就像一個物件,它會依你的立場改變觀點。」— 節錄自電影《星光雲寂》

NOT TODAY第六期,也是第一輯的最終刊發行了,本期聚焦於臺灣本地的人事,也帶來了一個暫時的句點。混合創作物、設計品與常民物件,OBJECT單元尋來了更多和臺灣相關的物件;INTERVIEWS單元聚焦在畫廊從業人士, 一處臺南一處臺北,畫廊經營者杜昭賢與畫廊經理賴珮竹分別分享了她們的處世與工作哲學;THE PLAYLIST 交由聲音裝置藝術家張永達擔任紙上DJ;FIELDNOTES單元裡,藝術家劉玗成為一位跟蹤者,寫下田野調查日記;A SPACE FOR___有大廚喬艾爾結合食材與零碎物件,追尋幼時的家鄉印象,以及藝術家彭奕軒藉著虛妄而豔彩的塑膠鬚鬚繩研究人們對於「度假」一詞的生理反射與心理情狀;策展人周安曼在CURATOR’S TRIP裡為我們捕捉柏林城市的虛與實,並帶回了一首Dorothea Lasky的詩作伴手禮;特別打造的GEZELLIGHEID單元,荷蘭攝影師Annabel Miedema以陪伴為題材,為臺灣茶品牌XIEXIE勾勒出一張張質地軟調、女孩意味濃厚的親密時光;THE KITCHEN單元則有才氣二人組Exercise & Edit以道教習俗「拜拜」為題,翻玩祭祀禮俗與祭品,交出獨樹一格的庶民餐桌提案;HI TAIWAN第六話邀請英國藝術家Maya Hewitt前進苗栗蘆竹湳,在古厝聚落與工業廠房的交雜地景之下體驗荒敗與新生;REVIEWS單元則有藝評王柏偉以設計觀點觀察工藝、藝術與設計領域的變遷。