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  • Book Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Pages: 144
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Soft cover
  • Language: English / Chinese
  • ISSN: 2308575-4
  • Publication Date: Autumn 2014
  • Publisher: Waterfall

One year has passed. There is the fourth NOT TODAY.
There are a pencil, an eggcup and an ultrasonic diffuser modification set in OBJECTS. We talked to the founders of fashion brand HIBU in Lisbon and met the curator Olivier Collet in Barcelona for INTERVIEWS section. In A SPACE FOR _________, we spent time with artist Yuko Mohri visiting the historical building Seikatei in Sapporo, Japan. Artists Isa Ho and Moritz Partenheimer created a photographic series at Westbeth Artists Community, where many artists have lived there for decades. 4 biennials reviewed in SOMETHING SPATIAL. The GALLERIST Tomoko Ashikawa wrote her TRIPS in the cities of Asia. The highlight: a re-imaginationof Salvadoe Dali’s recipes by the guest editor from White Zinfandel magazine for THE KITCHEN. In HI TAIWAN, artist Jun Kitazawa built a hotel about the sun and the local community in Nanjichang, Taipei. For an extended reading,Taiwanese artist Jun-Honn Kao took the residency in Manchester with the project: “How the concept of people be fabricated?”

Special feature: Paper exhibition “Never odd or eveN” curated by Esther Lu.


OBJECTS單元特選了三件來自臺灣的物件; INTERVIEWS則跑到了南歐,在里斯本拜訪新銳服裝品牌HIBU三人組,暢談服裝創作與創業的青春理想,並行經巴塞隆納,拜訪法國獨立策展人Oliver Collet,分享在地深耕的策展經歷;在A SPACE FOR單元,日本藝術家毛利悠子將她的「馬戲團」系列創作移師至北海道札幌當地古蹟清華亭,而台灣藝術家何孟娟與德國藝術家Moritz Partenheimer則從各自的視角出發,合作了一件關於全世界最大藝術家聚落「魏絲貝斯」的系列影像故事;本次的SOMETHING SPATIAL以「雙年展」為主題,以分析、提問、花絮採集等方式,收錄了臺北、柏林、利物浦、宣言展等四場雙年展的精華片段;旅行遊記單元邀請了日本waitingroom畫廊經理人芦川朋子撰寫GALLERIST'S TRIP;本期的Highlight則在THE KITCHEN單元,邀請到紐約前衛雜誌White Zinandel擔任客座編輯,重新演繹藝術家達利在1973年所發表的食譜書《盛大晚宴》;而HI TAIWAN則隨著日本藝術家北澤潤到了臺北南機場,打造一座由在地居民管理的「太陽自造旅館」,番外篇則有藝術家高俊宏於英國曼徹斯特駐村,回看關於臺灣與被遺落的種種,他的且戰也走,與歷史對決之路。

特別收錄:「Never odd or eveN 物非物」紙上展by 策展人呂岱如