Thisispaper Magazine Inaugural Issue


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  • Book Size: 24 x 18.5 cm
  • Pages: 144 pages
  • Printing: offset 4 colours, perfect bound
  • Language: English
  • Limited Edition: 1000
  • Publisher: Thisispaper

來自波蘭華沙的 Thisispaper 除了經營線上平台、販售自有商品外,同時也出版全新雜誌 Thisispaper Magazine。這本雜誌收集了許多設計師與藝術家的故事,話題橫跨了時尚、設計、攝影與建築領域。在創刊號裡拜訪了GlitheroFaye ToogoodFeilden Fowles 與 Phoebe English 的工作室。與 FormafantasmaMarcel van der Vlugt 及 Anouk Griffioen 探討了許多作品背後的精彩故事⋯⋯等。

Thisispaper Magazine創刊號限量1000本,每本皆有編號,並附贈一張可愛的明信片,定價€18。

The Inaugural Issue is the first printed publication released by Thisispaper. In this book Thisispaper has collected stories from the designers and artists that inspire us with their creativity and skill. Whether working in fashion, design, photography or architecture, they share the commitment to process and have a strong, personal voice.

For the Inaugural Issue Glithero, Faye Toogood, Feilden Fowles and Phoebe English have let us into their studios. Formafantasma, Marcel van der Vlugt and Anouk Griffioen discuss the process behind their spectacular works. The duo Nina Donis share their previously untold story. And Kanoa Zimmerman's photography needs no commentary.

Thisispaper Magazine Inaugural Issue is a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies.