Cat People #1


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  • Book Size: 17.6 x 25 cm
  • Pages: 146
  • Printing: CMYK offset
  • Language: English, Japanese


限量發行的雙語(英/日語)雜誌《Cat People》讓貓成為話題主角,並採訪了一票愛貓的藝術工作者,由身為主人的作家、插畫家、攝影師、藝術家、策展人們聊聊他們的小貓。你可以從這本小書中看見令人會心一笑的鏡頭,以貓咪為靈感的作品,或者,得知小貓們的八卦——諸如牠們喜愛躲藏的地方!


P.S. 每一本售出的《Cat People》,都會捐贈一元澳幣給關西動物收容中心(Animal Refuge Kansai,ARK)。

Cat People is created by graphic designer Jessica Lowe and photographer Gavin Green. It's a Bilingual (English/Japanese) Magazine – Featuring 146 Pages of Interviews & Work by Cat-Obsessed Artists, Designers, Photographers & Writers.

Issue One features the cats and lifestyles of four “cat people”, including interviews with fashion designers Vivetta Ponti (Vivetta) and Suzanne Clements & Inacio Ribeiro (Clements Ribeiro), illustrator Mat Maitland and artist Tanya Schultz (Pip & Pop). In addition, we are delighted to include new work by photographer Takashi Homma (Japan), illustrator Olimpia Zagnoli (Italy) and artist, Lucy James (Australia).

The magazine is printed on multiple stocks and combines a colourful, pop aesthetic with a minimal yet dynamic design and no advertising.

A donation of $1 AUD will be made to Animal Refuge Kansai (ARK) from every copy of the magazine sold. (Publisher)