Dalston Anatomy / Lorenzo Vitturi


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  • Book Size: 19 x 26 cm
  • Pages: 168
  • Printing: Lithography, Hardcover (Vlisco fabric)
  • ISBN: 978-0-9919409-0-5
  • Publication Date: October 2013
  • Publisher: SPBH

LORENZO VITTURI lives and works between London and Milan. After studying photography, he undertook a two year residency at Fabrica. Formerly a cinema set painter, Vitturi has brought this experience into his photographic practice, which revolves around site-specific interventions. LORENZO VITTURI’s work is often found at the intersection of sculpture and photography and his latest project, Dalston Anatomy, saw him spend time in London’s Ridley Road Market taking pictures, making sculptures and creating collages with materials and objects he found amongst the debris of the marketplace. Vitturi’s process is largely concerned with the creation, consumption and preservation of images. The makeshift sculptures he created mimic the organic and temporary nature of the market, and their documentation is the way in which they endure after diminishing. The book is bound in exquisite Vlisco fabrics in bright patterns that are reminiscent of African markets and accompanied by a poem by Sam Berkson that layers voices from the market to draw on its disjointed and surreal atmosphere. (Publisher)

「達斯頓解剖學(Dalston Anatomy)」這本書在2013年入圍了幾乎所有重要攝影書年度書榜前十,如國際媒體英國衛報、美國時代雜誌等,與知名攝影師Martin Parr、Alec Soth的自選榜。

羅倫佐(Lorenzo Vitturi)目前在倫敦與米蘭之間工作與生活。在研習攝影後,他曾在義大利Fabrica駐館兩年。曾做過電影繪景師的他將這個經驗帶入攝影創作,常進行特定場域的干涉與介入。他的作品常將雕塑與攝影結合,在他最新的創作計劃「達斯頓解剖學」中,他花時間在倫敦東北方市集拍照,搜集市場垃圾堆中的材料和物件做拼貼與裝置。進行創作的過程中,他很重視對於影像的創造、吸收和存留。他用這些拼湊而成的裝置,摹寫市場中的有機與臨時的特質,紀錄他們歷經風霜後的樣貌。這本攝影集的書封選用荷蘭知名織品Visco布料裝訂,特以明亮的花色圖案讓人聯想到非洲市集的風貌,書內另外附上了一首以表演詩歌著名的英國詩人Sam Berkson的詩,以另外一種表達方式襯托出市集雜亂脫序又超現實的氛圍。