What Am I Doing Here? / Hsuan Lin


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  • Book Size: 15 x 22 cm
  • Pages: 305
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Soft cover
  • Language: English, Chinese
  • Publisher: Self-Publishing
  • Limited Edition: 700
  • Extra contents: one zine, one poster, one cloth tag

"This book is accumulated by many little messages in three years.

The day before my twenty-third birthday, I left Taiwan in the morning, after passing the International Date Line, I arrived in Miami on the same night. I still remember when walking out of the Miami airport as I cheered in mind: This is the air of Miami! It was a declaration of my passion.

During the one-week stay in Miami, I realized I would slowly become broad-minded as people around me begin to leave. To me, that was an important sign as the start of a nomad."  —— Hsuan Lin (Caption from the forewords.)

我在這裡幹嘛 ⚑ what am i doing here º

☻文件書 / 未來計畫 zine / 海報 / 旗幟☻

這一本書是在三年裡透過許多小小訊息累積而成的。宏都拉斯 (國際志工) - 阿根廷 (黑工)- 巴西 (藝術家)

