Rolling in the Grass / AnTeng Tsai






  • Book Size: 9 x 13 x 1.2 cm
  • Pages: 96
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Hardcover
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Publisher: 雑談
  • Limited Edition: 1000

“In his works, I see the passion of wanting to draw…”
—Yoshitomo Nara

The artist, AnTeng Tsai, born in 1982. He started practicing on painintg since three years ago, and he was awarded with Yoshitomo Nara Prize at Geisai Taiwan # 3 in 2011. He paints with crayon, and although his style stays in simple and unadorned, you could awalys  feel his passion and honesty towards the art he's making through his work. He was once asked about the choice of crayon, and he answered: "It makes me feel of working on a painting, it reflects the strength instantly and directly on how hard I put the pastel against the canvas." "Rolling on the Grass" is his latest selection of works from the recent years, the size of the book is just as small as it could to bring the works directly to us, and very easily approached by the readers.


藝術家蔡安騰,1982年生,三年前開始習畫,2011年曾參加Geisai Taiwan # 3並為奈良美智獎得主。他皆以蠟筆創作,雖然畫風樸實,卻能讓人在簡單的線條與色塊中感受到對繪畫這件事真摯的心意與朝氣。藝術家在被問到為何以常見的蠟筆作畫時,他回答道:「因為這讓我感受到我正在畫畫,下筆的力道,會很直接的反應在手指和畫作上。」他最新作品集《在草地上打滾》是收錄近來習作的精選集,小巧的開本縮短了觀者與作品間的距離,讓畫面很自然地可以與人交流。