Modern Times / Patrick Tsai
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- Book Size: 23 cm × 15 cm
- Pages: 160
- Printing: CMYK offset, Hard cover
- Publication Date: April 2012
- Publisher: Nanarokusha
"Modern Times" is a series that Patrick Tsai shot in China, before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Coming after his intensely personal project "My Little Dead Dick," these snapshots are a much more objective body of work. Still, there's a strong sense of humor here, which is helped by the inventive editing. (By PH)
「摩登時代」是Patrick在2008年北京舉辦奧運前的隨拍,甫結束上一個拍攝計劃「My Little Dead Dick」,這些隨拍更為主觀,透過相機,我們挖掘出他當時在中國生活的蹤跡。經由在視覺上的編排,他的作品一如以往總帶著怪異的幽默感讓人發笑。