In and Out of Fashion / Viviane Sassen






  • Book Size: 2.9 x 23.5 x 29.2 cm
  • Pages: 250
  • Printing: CMYK offset, Hard cover
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-3791348285
  • Publication Date: 28 Dec 2012
  • Publisher: Prestel

Following the success of Parasomnia, this major new book focuses on the fashion photography of Viviane Sassen.

Bringing together 17 years of work in the fashion world, this eye-catching volume features selections from Sassen’s awardwinning series and campaigns for Stella McCartney, Adidas, Carven, Bergdorf Goodman, MiuMiu, and M Missoni, along with editorials for magazines such as the New York Times Magazine, i-D, Numéro, Purple, AnOther Magazine, Dazed &Confused, Fantastic Man, and POP. Sassen’s intuitive and imaginative style can be flamboyant, contemplative, erotic, and surreal, often simultaneously. This volume includes essays that offer a context for Sassen’s work in the history of fashion photography as well as a bibliography of nearly all of her fashion series. The book will be a delight for Sassen’s many fans and those eager for inspiration or beautiful escape.

這本攝影集把焦點集中在Viviane Sassen的時尚攝影,伴隨著她於阿姆斯特丹Huis Marseille攝影美術館的個展出入時尚(In and Out of Fashion),回顧了十七年來她所累積的作品,其中包括為Stella McCartney、Adidas和Miu Miu等知名品牌拍攝的形象廣告,也收錄了紐約時報雜誌、i-D、Purple、Dazed &Confused和Fantastic Man等雜誌內容的專題拍攝。

Viviane Sassen, 生於阿姆斯特丹、於阿姆斯特丹工作與生活,也常為了展覽與工作四處奔波。她是近年來備受矚目的新銳攝影師,曾是2011年紐約MOMA美術館攝影新秀展六 人中的其中一位。當初念大學時學的原本是時尚,曾在Viktor & Rolf工作,還當過他們的走台模特兒。自2001年起,她首次為Miu Miu拍攝形象廣告後,開啓了她的時尚攝影生涯,她同時進行時尚攝影的工作與藝術創作,她於COS2013S/S特刊的訪問裡說道,相較於藝術創作、她認為拍時尚廣告時的自由更多。進行創作這件事是很寶貴的,也總需要顧及作品的意涵,相較之下,拍攝時尚廣告時她所能盡情發揮與實驗的尺度反而沒太多的限制。

