Now it’s an age of sensation: Conversation with Artist Chunghan Yao I think art-making is a product of something that is quite spiritual, for example before I would always have some inspiration and thoughts after going to movies or reading books, and now I seem to have changed from the role of a receiver to that of a giver. Giving others spiritual or visual stimulations in the hope that they would do some thinking after going to exhibitions or performances....
Heartbeat, Lampbeat by ChungHan Yao An exact from the event "Cry Me A Waterfall", while artist ChungHan Yao was performing a piece of his work "Heartbeat, Lampbeat".
CRY ME A WATERFALL: An one night off experience 延續Waterfall「世界奇觀 The Spetacle of Now」的概念-當下的我們活在一個感官的時代,於此同時,卻依舊渴望保留內心的柔軟。創作,其實無論是以多麼奇異的面貌表達,終究是歸以人本身為出發點,這也是瀑布一直以來想要說的一件事。