Waterfall online archives: Travel Alone: 拉巴斯行書腳本 by 江凌青 「這題我也不會。」我又說了一遍——即使地理課本上的台灣氣候圖、雨量圖我都已背得熟透。 然而,這題我真的不會。 我開始陪著老畫家等待雨天。天堂流行起日光浴嗎?烈日如熨斗悠悠行過街角,燙平所有如小毛球突起的微風。人們的眼神乾裂成一片礫漠,整座島像受詛咒的蠟像館;各地開始限水,儲滿水的浴缸酒甕鍋碗瓢盆放眼望去,恍若太湖流域星羅棋布的大小湖泊。
Der Himmel über Berlin by Weiwei We landed at the same time two weeks ago. He still had two months to go but I needed to head back to my misty city in few days. I asked him what brought him here. He shook his head and said he didn’t really know. ‘But I love it here, so much.’. So we started to count everything we love about Berlin: You could smoke everywhere; You could hold your beer on the tram anytime in the day.....
The Old Photography by Shia Shia 有人告訴我,一個人的房間就代表他心裡的樣子,所以心裡亂的時候,更要把房間收拾好,還別忘了多留一點空間,好隨時能接納更多東西。(舊照 / 夏夏)
London Diary 昨晚回家的時候突然下了一場大雪,雪花片片堆積在公車的擋風玻璃上,車裡的熱氣讓窗戶結成一片霧,只能隱約瞧見窗外的景物都覆了層粉白。如果你把傘打開,可以從打落在傘翼上的聲音分辨究竟是雨滴抑或細雪。雪的聲音很輕,只是稍微擦過表面,以溫柔沙沙作響。
Detached Love by Shauba Chang Memories are always far more assuring, Susan Sontag explained, because they are no longer able to intimidate us.
Home, Fragrant Summer Home 在廚房中,對於在台灣長大的我對於西方的烹飪方式幾乎沒有任何的概念,那些西方的烹飪方式幾乎都是像他學習而來的,我也熱於將我們的烹飪日記放在我的flickr上,有一個朋友就曾經開玩笑的說, 你是到紐約與安東尼波登學做菜嗎?
Once Again, When We Are Alive Our peace was in the cemetery, we walked through all the stones with their real and fake flowers; we fixed the fallen vases, and sat under the tree in the middle of the graveyard. Reading short stories, in your book half chewed by a mice.