顯示含有標籤 “Waterfall” 的文章

Waterfall online archives: Travel Alone: 拉巴斯行書腳本 by 江凌青

Waterfall online archives: Travel Alone: 拉巴斯行書腳本 by 江凌青

「這題我也不會。」我又說了一遍——即使地理課本上的台灣氣候圖、雨量圖我都已背得熟透。 然而,這題我真的不會。 我開始陪著老畫家等待雨天。天堂流行起日光浴嗎?烈日如熨斗悠悠行過街角,燙平所有如小毛球突起的微風。人們的眼神乾裂成一片礫漠,整座島像受詛咒的蠟像館;各地開始限水,儲滿水的浴缸酒甕鍋碗瓢盆放眼望去,恍若太湖流域星羅棋布的大小湖泊。

Waterfall: Invisible (Cities)

Waterfall: Invisible (Cities)

The works featured in this book were only a tiny part from what I’ve collected. Some of familiar landscape of Elephant and Castle, Stockholm or Taipei, a food list while staying in Berlin, the impact of Hong Kong, the conflict, the love affair....or a found postcard in Paris and so on, we just happened to be there then. In the postscript section, there’s project based on the community from the island Tristan da Cunha, it’s to show the concept of city from an opposite angle...