The Political Theater by Chang-Ching Su The Political Theater was my attempt to investigate how far political parties would go to secure their votes. Just like the island’s famous 7-11 stores, political parties also provide convenience services. They offer door-to-door shuttle services and free lunch-box meals for their events, which average, otherwise bored citizens gladly accept to spice up their lives.
An Encounter with the Landscape in Dreams by Chihiro MINATO In the ancient time, long before human beings appeared, spirits had lent their powers to complete projects on this island. In a similar way, a southbound route, a spiritual south-link highway, was born within me, through which the moment of traveling to the next stop would soon arrive.
What is Democracy? by Ting-Tong Chang Hundreds of emails were send to different departments of UK government. questions as follow: In accordance with Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information, which I believe to be held by (your department): What is Democracy?
Notes: National Geographic magazine by Lin Yi-Hsuan Right now I am sitting in a private car owned by the manager of ICYE in Honduras. It is playing English songs in the car; I am all clean and fresh with my seat belt fastened and enjoying the air conditioning. Few minutes ago the manager drove through a couple of streets and ordered some set meals at a drive-through fast food franchise, we were discussing my following itinerary in Argentina.
Notes: An ordinary man’s confession by Lin Yi-Hsuan I volunteered to be here in order to experience something new and different, I once felt proud with esteem as a volunteer, all the other foreign friends that I met and became acquainted in Honduras also came here to volunteer for various reasons through different routes, I was happy to be part of the voluntary team, to say that I am a volunteer and I am from Taiwan.
Notes: Miami by Lin Yi-Hsuan I’ve been in Miami for almost a week now without any contact address and telephone number, this is the best moment to read the Collected Letters by Rainer Maria Rilke, even though what he is preaching is words and vocabularies, I’d rather think of it as being in Sophie’s World. As if he is giving me lessons across time and space, as if every letter he wrote tells me something about the situations I’m about to encounter.
Evoked: a cultural project bridging the gap between the traditional and the contemporary 《Evoked 承誌》以專題方式記錄不同領域的當代創作者/行動者,如何回應從過去而來的文化召喚,由紙本開始,未來更希望能搭建如策展、講座等多元的形式,成為集結各方觀點與對話的交流平台,凝聚傳統文化技藝於當代延續的力量。
Nowhere in Taiwan by I-Hsuen Chen Influenced by the idea of the “road trip” in American photography, exemplified in the work of such photographers as Robert Frank, Stephen Shore, and Joel Sternfeld, the artist sets out to find scenes and situations that seem to be “in between,” neither landscape nor cityscape but existing in an ambiguous space so called “nowhere.”
Notes of Venice 2 踏入這座1588年落成的圖書館,由建築內部的樣貌就不得不先讚嘆當時威尼斯商業貿易活動的盛況,藝術家在圖書館內設立了網路機房,滿室藍光映輝著紀念廳內舖天蓋地的文藝復興內裝,這番情境讓人看著看著竟也從一開始的不協調感轉而合理。「秘密力量(Secret Power)」作為展覽名稱,可以是說情報的力量,也可以說是網路的存在、對於目前世界現狀影響的力量吧。
A Vulgar Serial by Yuji Fann 拍生活的攝影師很多,有的紀實、有的拍日常或是拍自己。但我常想:如果為了拍照而上街,那我是在拍生活嗎?今天帶著相機就打算出去拍照,那今天是我的生活嗎?一個很刺激的畫面,跟一個無聊、但對我很有意義的畫面,到底哪一個算是生活?攝影和生活的關係於我常常是一種拉扯。
Plants in Error by exercise and edit The unconventional vases are customised for the weeds. The forms are inspired by their different characters, postures, textures, or stories. The materials used are artificial and suggest the living space of human beings. We tried to make the normally ignored and unwelcome weeds become the focal point, living harmoniously in people's interior habitats.
Sydney Sie: Into the Shape of Nothingness She's always searching an unique way to see the inside and the outside of things. Whether through multi-figured compositional complexity and suggestive narratives or with a straight forward and isolate human forms. There are autobiographical narratives at play very often.
Ghost House: Ohad Matalon’s solo exhibition While abandoned houses and ruins are fascinating subjects, the artist goes beyond spectator. Matalon resists the role of spectating recorder, and disturbs the trace of time in these spaces by rearranging objects, alluding to existence and memory in recreating a “still here” presence in these abandoned buildings.
Typhoon Blues by Tom Kondrat 'Since I moved to Taiwan a year ago I found typhoons very intriguing. I've never experienced them while living in Europe (obviously) and all the tv news and stories I heard made them even more mysterious and at the same time exciting for me. So when the first typhoon in the season hit Taiwan this year, I decided to experience it with my camera. - Tom Kondrat
FOOD extra: Terroir magazine (Fong-Tu Mole) 《風土痣》是一份聚焦於在地生活的季節性報刊,深入淺出地呈現台灣土地的故事。四季更迭,農產成了風土的印記——從農村生活中的觀察出發,乃至各行各業的在地文化,內容涵蓋農作物、器物、食物、人物、民藝等等饒富特色的物事。
Something Blue: A Solo Exhibition by Jui-Chung Yao Selecting from a bulk amount of his unpublished black and white photographs that were taken in the last twenty years, artist Jui-Chung Yao collaborates with independent publishing house Waterfall to publish the photo book Something Blue along with his solo exhibition.
Nitesha: TWCN Art Book Fair at Tsutaya T-Site, Tokyo The online bookstore Nitesha curates an art book fair inside Tokyo one of the famous bookstore Tsutaya T-Site. With a range of rare photo books and magazine, as well as publications from Taiwan and China, especially there are titles have just made their first appearance in Japan, Nitesha brings a fresh selection of art books to Japanese readers.
Taiwan by Ryan Harding 'Taiwan' is a series of photographs documenting life in Taiwan, attempting to portray a sense of nostalgia, mysteriousness and the dream-like qualities of reality by focusing on the unconventional, quirky candid actions of everyday people in everyday situations.