Leaves Without Routes 無來由之葉 This exhibition focuses upon the long-term relationship between Taiwan and Japan, as exemplified through the Taipei Botanical Garden and the Japanese house within it, to consider how other places have shaped Taiwan, and also how Taiwan is imagined - fictitiously or otherwise - by those from other places or people.
The Vision of the City by Po-Chieh Chang 「某一層面來看,Google Map的世界已取代了自身對環境的認知,而改變了日常生活中對於外界的探索與互動。」而藝術家使用關鍵點搜尋為出發點,直接以自己的身體在城市中移動遊走,經歷真實的當下,對比虛擬界面使用經驗的便利。
The Living Universe - Bonus Track 在NOT TODAY雜誌第二期中,我們以日常宇宙(The Living Universe)為題,用家庭訪問的方式,討論在不同城市居住的人們對於家的想像。核心家庭、同志家庭、單身家庭、同居家庭⋯⋯現今各種類型的居住者已經改變了對於家的定義;一個空間可能在不同時間不同狀態下,必須重疊不同的功能,因此這個空間原本的定義也將被改寫。
A Vulgar Serial by Yuji Fann 拍生活的攝影師很多,有的紀實、有的拍日常或是拍自己。但我常想:如果為了拍照而上街,那我是在拍生活嗎?今天帶著相機就打算出去拍照,那今天是我的生活嗎?一個很刺激的畫面,跟一個無聊、但對我很有意義的畫面,到底哪一個算是生活?攝影和生活的關係於我常常是一種拉扯。
"Floaters" by Mayumi Hosokura - Conversations and Book signing The artist Mayumi Hosokura is re-visiting Taipei in Jan for her new works, and we've arrange a book signing event during her stay. For the event, we've invited the founder of Shimokitazawa Books to start a casual conversation on photography, hot pots, books, Tokyo city and Taipei city with the artist.
A Piece of Dog: A diary about the dog and its foods 現代人對於美好生活的想像或許是一種被社會引導的假象,生活是不是可以不必被這些美好所綁架?若我延用現代人手機自拍的方式與食記的內容,但卻更換了拍攝的主體(人>犬)與環境(餐桌>地面),一些關於現代生活的荒謬與日常的糾結能不能借由這些影像清楚地浮現出來?