Notes of Venice 2 踏入這座1588年落成的圖書館,由建築內部的樣貌就不得不先讚嘆當時威尼斯商業貿易活動的盛況,藝術家在圖書館內設立了網路機房,滿室藍光映輝著紀念廳內舖天蓋地的文藝復興內裝,這番情境讓人看著看著竟也從一開始的不協調感轉而合理。「秘密力量(Secret Power)」作為展覽名稱,可以是說情報的力量,也可以說是網路的存在、對於目前世界現狀影響的力量吧。
PUTPUT: Everyday is different! In sculptural or other three dimensional work you are quite of able to move around the object, to discover different perspectives and to decide what you want to see. Photography simply gives us the means to both document and decide what we want the audience to see…maybe we are control freaks!