independent magazine series | Art Book Fairs Watching by Shauba Chang 2010年四月我收到一封email,來自荷蘭的策展人Yannick說他將於十一月的巴黎舉辦首次的攝影藝術書展Offprint Paris,號稱會以攝影書類作為主力,希望可以邀請到瀑布參加。當時我人還在倫敦,如果選搭歐洲之星,巴黎與倫敦只是兩小時之遙,連絡在巴黎的朋友確定住宿也沒有困難後,我回信說好。
Always Looking For Something Else by Shauba Chang Probably know several ways to comfort a person, but never care about the care label of your clothes. Sometimes, you can't tell the differences between the smell of a soap and the smell of a squid. Toss away the old stuffs and buy the new one instead. Toss away things you don't like and get a new one you like. Believe that some day, the world will be different. Or there will be some world, everyday is different....
London Diary 昨晚回家的時候突然下了一場大雪,雪花片片堆積在公車的擋風玻璃上,車裡的熱氣讓窗戶結成一片霧,只能隱約瞧見窗外的景物都覆了層粉白。如果你把傘打開,可以從打落在傘翼上的聲音分辨究竟是雨滴抑或細雪。雪的聲音很輕,只是稍微擦過表面,以溫柔沙沙作響。
Detached Love by Shauba Chang Memories are always far more assuring, Susan Sontag explained, because they are no longer able to intimidate us.
Waterfall online archives: Sounds Off: Brunch by Shauba Chang We no longer dicuss those grey matters; we no longer collect scenes from the past.