FOOD extra: Objects by Paul Salveson 挑戰人們習以為常的理解方式,透過創造抽象的形式,扭曲了與物件之間的典型關係而不多做解釋。「Objects」是一組由小麥為主材料所創造的雕塑——也許你可以稱這些奇妙的物件是麵包。
30 Shanks by Chen Chen and Kai Williams 用三十種方式組合一些隨處可見的材料,將三十柄利器被賦予各異的靈魂,讓本是無害的平凡個體成為一柄柄傷害的象徵,它們個性迥異,有些甚至看似趣味以及溫和——然而潛伏在日常中的,總是最致命的威脅。
Elles se rendent pas compte. (They don't realize.) by Armand Yerly The materials are chosen by instinctive criterias, but if I had to explain them, I would say that on one hand I am (almost inevitably) in a recycling perspective, and on the other that I choose a material for his “reality level“, which has to be high enough. For instance, I consider wood to be more “real“ than paper or cardboard (not used) as it is less moldable, less easily accessible, thus more efficient. Paint for example is generally avoided, as its “thickness“, or “reality level“ is very small on this instinctive scale.'