The Political Theater by Chang-Ching Su The Political Theater was my attempt to investigate how far political parties would go to secure their votes. Just like the island’s famous 7-11 stores, political parties also provide convenience services. They offer door-to-door shuttle services and free lunch-box meals for their events, which average, otherwise bored citizens gladly accept to spice up their lives.
Nostalgia by Jui-Chung Yao A selection out of the artist's archived photographs over 10 years. A reflection on the definition of a sense of nostalgia. This series of photos was featured in waterfall issue #3 'Pocket'.
Married Life With Woody & Ellen by Paula Muhr Sequences of images which present fragmentary records of ever changing day-to-day surroundings and experiences are not linear or chronological, although they are marked by recurrence of certain motifs. They follow a highly personal, associative structure which reflects my feelings of displacement.
The Sun Also Rises by Jonny Cochrane A random investigation out of the artist's daily life in London. This series was featured in waterfall issue #5 'Invisible Cities'
MeError by Leonardo Magrelli Apparently they are simple photos taken in front of a mirror: we should see ourselves reflected in it, but we don’t, as if we were invisible. In other words these pictures show us what mirrors reflect when we are not in front of them.
A Micro Odyssey by Marco Castelli The trinomial photography, planets and bacteria and the binomials heaven and earth, finite and infinite, known and unknown, give shape to the emotions and reflections that Marco Castelli’s work wants to convey and inspire. Opposites vie for our moods and our feelings: dark and light, fantasy and reality, truth and abstraction.
Elsa Leydier : Behind The Image Leydier was born in France, 1988. Now lives and works between Lyon (France) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). In her photographic work, she aims to interrogate images that are used to define places or people and tries to reveal the weakness and paradoxes carried by the images.
Give Me Yesterday 把昨天給我 “Give Me Yesterday,” curated by Francesco Zanot, will inaugurate the program of Osservatorio, Fondazione Prada’s new exhibition space located in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan and dedicated to photography and visual languages. The show includes works by 14 Italian and international artists.
Confessions on the apple incident by Tine Bek It's an ongoing project. It's about seduction of objects and flowers. The object and representation of the apple, sin is all around us. An adaptation of the fall in our everyday. Isolating elements of seduction. An archive of memorabilia all linking to seduction, temptation and allurement. The immediate reaction to guilt, after the first bite.
Nowhere in Taiwan by I-Hsuen Chen Influenced by the idea of the “road trip” in American photography, exemplified in the work of such photographers as Robert Frank, Stephen Shore, and Joel Sternfeld, the artist sets out to find scenes and situations that seem to be “in between,” neither landscape nor cityscape but existing in an ambiguous space so called “nowhere.”
Flash Fiction: Adrian Samson 從早先強烈的敘事性到逐漸發展出來的抽象性,Adrian在每一個系列中,從不停止探索新的表現方式。比起形式的限制,他更積極地處理什麼是他希望觀眾所看到的。
Metamorphosis by Hsiang-Lin Wang 我覺得人和人之間存在著既親密,卻又極近複雜的巧妙關係。身為人類活著本身就不是一件容易的事,我們常藉由很多外在行為以掩飾內心的恐懼,但似乎很難好好檢視自己。
Born After Birth by Craig Gibson Baptists' believe baptism to be a public witness of the identification of one's faith within Christ in the symbolic process of his death, burial and resurrection.
Fault Line by Sophie Barbasch "I chose the title because a fault line alludes to where the earth splits in an earthquake, a metaphor for a divided family with a complicated history, and also alludes to fault, or blame. I wonder, how does a family support each other, even when things aren't perfect?"
PUTPUT: Everyday is different! In sculptural or other three dimensional work you are quite of able to move around the object, to discover different perspectives and to decide what you want to see. Photography simply gives us the means to both document and decide what we want the audience to see…maybe we are control freaks!
Kay Walkowiak: A Different Order In his photographs, sculptures and videos, Kay Walkowiak explores the concepts of emptiness and fullness, distance and proximity, display and situation. The artist combines ready-mades and minimalist objects and places them in dense choreographies and absurd narratives.
Sabine Perigault: The Flow of the Substances Her images are build by combining different forms, objects and materials. By using basic and sometimes minimal shapes, She tries to hit the essence of the subject. Photography is her way of philosophizing about the structures and layers of our behavior towards others and ourselves.
Abkhazia Summer by Julien Pebrel 曾被譽為黑海明珠的阿布哈茲,儘管政治情況備受爭議,如今逐漸罩上一層渡假天堂的濾鏡。阿布哈茲隨著歷史的流動一再地變化她的面容,不變的是,她仍是一塊夢土。
Arrangements by Clayton Cotterell 在Arrangements系列中,Clayton Cotterell醉心於攝影的自發性,簡練地捕捉光、顏色與形狀在觀景窗裡的相遇,做出開放且感性的詮釋。