Very Good, Very Good by Yuxiang Dong 董宇翔 In recent years, I constantly photograph the landscape of my hometown while visiting my parents. Meanwhile, I combine photographs, newspapers, documents, and vernacular photos to investigate the transition of my hometown and the power of governmentality, capital, and medium that contribute to this transition.
Nowhere in Taiwan by I-Hsuen Chen Influenced by the idea of the “road trip” in American photography, exemplified in the work of such photographers as Robert Frank, Stephen Shore, and Joel Sternfeld, the artist sets out to find scenes and situations that seem to be “in between,” neither landscape nor cityscape but existing in an ambiguous space so called “nowhere.”
Flash Fiction: Adrian Samson 從早先強烈的敘事性到逐漸發展出來的抽象性,Adrian在每一個系列中,從不停止探索新的表現方式。比起形式的限制,他更積極地處理什麼是他希望觀眾所看到的。
Metamorphosis by Hsiang-Lin Wang 我覺得人和人之間存在著既親密,卻又極近複雜的巧妙關係。身為人類活著本身就不是一件容易的事,我們常藉由很多外在行為以掩飾內心的恐懼,但似乎很難好好檢視自己。
Born After Birth by Craig Gibson Baptists' believe baptism to be a public witness of the identification of one's faith within Christ in the symbolic process of his death, burial and resurrection.
A Vulgar Serial by Yuji Fann 拍生活的攝影師很多,有的紀實、有的拍日常或是拍自己。但我常想:如果為了拍照而上街,那我是在拍生活嗎?今天帶著相機就打算出去拍照,那今天是我的生活嗎?一個很刺激的畫面,跟一個無聊、但對我很有意義的畫面,到底哪一個算是生活?攝影和生活的關係於我常常是一種拉扯。
Untitled Happiness by Tjorven Bruyneel Townships were created for the blacks and separated from white residential areas by buffers. The denial of common rights produced a dual city and a dual nation, diverse urban worlds existing side by side in the same geographical space. Intermingling was rendered impossible by a whole administrative apparatus of laws, prohibitions and punishments.
Sabine Perigault: The Flow of the Substances Her images are build by combining different forms, objects and materials. By using basic and sometimes minimal shapes, She tries to hit the essence of the subject. Photography is her way of philosophizing about the structures and layers of our behavior towards others and ourselves.
Cache by Dana Stirling Family albums had become a standard in a process of portraying a family and the creation of a collective memory. Things as a birthday cake, children taking a bath or a family trip have become a portrait of the normal memory. Sometimes we don’t even remember the occasion but we can relive it by looking at the picture and assuming we remember the memory it represents.
Days of Threshold by Jeremy Ayer My images are about souvenirs or memories of certain places or actions. I think of them as visual echoes. There is something very intimate and familiar about these images but it is not shown overtly. It is alluded to in ways that makes the viewer start thinking of what it could be. I wish to trigger this mechanism in a visual art form.
Medianoche by Rafael Arocha Medianoche refers to a border that confronts us with certain limits. A temporary space in which we can explore the relationship between instinct and desire, the behaviours that they give rise to and the manifestation of our fantasies of seduction.
Sydney Sie: Into the Shape of Nothingness She's always searching an unique way to see the inside and the outside of things. Whether through multi-figured compositional complexity and suggestive narratives or with a straight forward and isolate human forms. There are autobiographical narratives at play very often.
A Form of View by Yoav Friedländer "My work is conjunction between Israel and America. It focuses on similarities and differences between two different cultures and sets of geographical locations seen through a perspective of an “Americanized Israeli”. The body of work combines photographs of landscapes, still lifes and scaled models of Israel and America. "
Abkhazia Summer by Julien Pebrel 曾被譽為黑海明珠的阿布哈茲,儘管政治情況備受爭議,如今逐漸罩上一層渡假天堂的濾鏡。阿布哈茲隨著歷史的流動一再地變化她的面容,不變的是,她仍是一塊夢土。
Arrangements by Clayton Cotterell 在Arrangements系列中,Clayton Cotterell醉心於攝影的自發性,簡練地捕捉光、顏色與形狀在觀景窗裡的相遇,做出開放且感性的詮釋。
Rosa Rendl: Keep Silence and Breathe Gently 沒有過多的雜音的視覺語彙,Rosa Rendl以平面的方式去呈現三維空間,藉由近距離處理被攝物,使畫面中的物件和建築結構趨於單純。構圖一貫的抽象簡約,卻絲毫不顯冰冷,色調柔和,宛如朦朧的午睡片刻。
Typhoon Blues by Tom Kondrat 'Since I moved to Taiwan a year ago I found typhoons very intriguing. I've never experienced them while living in Europe (obviously) and all the tv news and stories I heard made them even more mysterious and at the same time exciting for me. So when the first typhoon in the season hit Taiwan this year, I decided to experience it with my camera. - Tom Kondrat
Homes by Mu-Tien Tammy Ho The windows in our houses demarcate a permeable boundary between the inside and outside. The interior is a shelter, a back region, and a place that offers a sense of relaxation; people on the exterior are not invited to enter this intimate space. However, the boundaries of our ‘castle’ can somehow be crossed by simply looking through the windows.
FOOD extra: Objects by Paul Salveson 挑戰人們習以為常的理解方式,透過創造抽象的形式,扭曲了與物件之間的典型關係而不多做解釋。「Objects」是一組由小麥為主材料所創造的雕塑——也許你可以稱這些奇妙的物件是麵包。