Out of “Paradise” by Reiner Riedler Reiner Riedler had the luck and pleasure being assigned by Austrian director Ulrich Seidl to join the production of his movie trilogy Paradise – Love, Faith and Hope. And he was asked to follow the red line of the idea of ‘Paradise’ and felt free to find my own approach to this idea.
Jessica Tremp: The Emotional Eyes 1981年生,現居墨爾本。她的攝影展現了戲劇性、大自然與浪漫主義,經常以自身、人和自然等她所喜愛的事物為題材,作品有著辨識度高的空靈氣質。你可以看見美麗的靈魂、優雅的自然、溫柔的光線,甚至是剔透的憂傷。
Peter Kaaden: All the Living Flesh 年輕的德國攝影師,現居柏林。忠於底片攝影。透過捕捉有趣、古怪的人以及美麗或瘋狂的心靈,Kadden的攝影時常彌漫著一股反叛的味道,鮮麗的色澤暴露出直接、衝突的美感,在這些毫不保留的場景之中,人們因而發現無比誠實的自己。
Conversation with Kaj Lehmann Q: In your opinion, are you able to change the world? How? A: To answer this question you'd have to define what you mean with "world". I think you can't change the world at large, the human species is heading for a certain point, this process would be slow-/stopable, but only with mass destruction...