What is Democracy? by Ting-Tong Chang Hundreds of emails were send to different departments of UK government. questions as follow: In accordance with Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information, which I believe to be held by (your department): What is Democracy?
The Sun Also Rises by Jonny Cochrane A random investigation out of the artist's daily life in London. This series was featured in waterfall issue #5 'Invisible Cities'
Flash Fiction: Adrian Samson 從早先強烈的敘事性到逐漸發展出來的抽象性,Adrian在每一個系列中,從不停止探索新的表現方式。比起形式的限制,他更積極地處理什麼是他希望觀眾所看到的。
Waterfall stockist - Ti Pi Tin Ti Pi Tin店裡以藝術創作相關與攝影為大宗,在Kat眼中每一本都是獨一無二的藝術作品,也所以她會採取親自與藝術家聯繫、溝通進書事項,時不時也會在店裡舉辦新書發行等活動聚會。關於經營一間獨立書店,Kat自承最初對一切一無所知,但她認為這也是個優勢,「因為我完全不知道開書店是怎麼一回事,所以也不知道要如何害怕,就讓自己放手去做就對了。」
FOOD extra: BAO 創意飲食品牌「包 Bao」穿梭在市集、咖啡廳與酒吧,販賣一系列的小吃,尤以刈包為招牌,嚴選食材、手工製作。做為一個美食咖啡館、街市小吃、快餐店,Bao的格局包含一個開放式廚房和公共的餐桌區,台灣街頭的靈感在倫敦開花,醒目的綠色小攤子與大燈箱,在有限的空間裡再現了台灣夜市獨有的生命力。
FOOD extra: Black Isle Bakery Black Isle Bakery和藝術總監型塑出完全現代的品牌形象,並與時尚攝影師Lena Emery合作,發表一系列畫面細緻簡約、彷彿帶有溫度和香氣的食物攝影——乾淨而迷人,恰似Black Isle Bakery簡單卻可口的烘焙一般。
LCC: BA Photography degree show 2013 LCC Photography, the course is renowned for its critical approach to the photographic medium. Studying theory alongside their practice, the graduating class of 2013 have employed a range of techniques, from digital and hand-crafted photography, to artist books, drawing, moving image, performance and installation.
SE5 by Adele M. Reed SE5, the latest project photogrpaher Adele M. Reed is working on, all shot in South East London documenting a relationship without picturing the relationship itself.
THOMAS ZANON-LARCHER – FALLING: A PART Exhibition Thomas Zanon-Larcher’s work scrapes away at ordinary fears, commonplace fantasies, catching at nerve ends. In Falling: A Part the space between film, drama and reality is blurred. These photographs belong to Zanon-Larcher’s narrative work, a cycle of photographic stories, in which nothing is staged formally....
Taiwan by Ryan Harding 'Taiwan' is a series of photographs documenting life in Taiwan, attempting to portray a sense of nostalgia, mysteriousness and the dream-like qualities of reality by focusing on the unconventional, quirky candid actions of everyday people in everyday situations.
London Diary 昨晚回家的時候突然下了一場大雪,雪花片片堆積在公車的擋風玻璃上,車裡的熱氣讓窗戶結成一片霧,只能隱約瞧見窗外的景物都覆了層粉白。如果你把傘打開,可以從打落在傘翼上的聲音分辨究竟是雨滴抑或細雪。雪的聲音很輕,只是稍微擦過表面,以溫柔沙沙作響。