Housing the Friendship A book exhibition as a celebration as well as a response to the inspirations bought by John Hejduk and Alvin Boyarsky, two iconic souls in architecture world. Organized by Winsing Art Palace bookstore with guest curator Jr-Gang Chi.
I'm your vessel and you are mine. The artist didi (b. 2006) is an emerging artist living and working in Taipei. Her practice focuses on exploring the relationship between the indoor space and the body, as well as challenging the concept of rheology in contemporary life. In correspond to the book launch, there will be an exhibition showing a selection of works featured in the book.
Waterfall stockist - Ti Pi Tin Ti Pi Tin店裡以藝術創作相關與攝影為大宗,在Kat眼中每一本都是獨一無二的藝術作品,也所以她會採取親自與藝術家聯繫、溝通進書事項,時不時也會在店裡舉辦新書發行等活動聚會。關於經營一間獨立書店,Kat自承最初對一切一無所知,但她認為這也是個優勢,「因為我完全不知道開書店是怎麼一回事,所以也不知道要如何害怕,就讓自己放手去做就對了。」
FOOD extra: A Work in Progress 出自Noma名廚René Redzepi之手的《A Work in Progress: Notes on Food, Cooking and Creativity》,是三本一組、設計精巧的套書,從烹飪、思維到廚師,形塑出一個餐廳的靈魂。
FOOD extra: The Geometry of Pasta 道地的義大利麵,精華在於追求完美形狀與完美醬料的盡善盡美。本書涵括了義大利麵背後的科學、歷史與哲學,內含超過一百個來自廚師Jacob Kenedy的道地配方,搭配設計師Caz Hildebrand精美的黑白幾何造型和簡約設計,一次呈現義大利麵史上最完整的形狀考以及醬料食譜。
FOOD extra: El Celler de Can Roca 這本書是獲選2013年度全世界最好的餐廳——西班牙的El Celler de Can Roca委託BIS公司創作的概念書籍,這本由The Roca Brothers推出的食譜書為將近500頁的大開本,依不同的內容分別使用了不同的紙材,印刷細緻,裝幀的豪華足以擔當El Celler de Can Roca之名。
Waterfall: Everyone Has Their Own Rooms To form a room/space, start from his point of view, going through varied paths and dimensions and achieve the core of all the matters as destinations. Different people create different rooms, they were built up by every move we take, every choice we make. Pass through those trivial things or even personal experiences, to explore the distance/space/room between the whole world and individuals...