What is Democracy? by Ting-Tong Chang Hundreds of emails were send to different departments of UK government. questions as follow: In accordance with Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information, which I believe to be held by (your department): What is Democracy?
Notes: National Geographic magazine by Lin Yi-Hsuan Right now I am sitting in a private car owned by the manager of ICYE in Honduras. It is playing English songs in the car; I am all clean and fresh with my seat belt fastened and enjoying the air conditioning. Few minutes ago the manager drove through a couple of streets and ordered some set meals at a drive-through fast food franchise, we were discussing my following itinerary in Argentina.
Notes: An ordinary man’s confession by Lin Yi-Hsuan I volunteered to be here in order to experience something new and different, I once felt proud with esteem as a volunteer, all the other foreign friends that I met and became acquainted in Honduras also came here to volunteer for various reasons through different routes, I was happy to be part of the voluntary team, to say that I am a volunteer and I am from Taiwan.
Notes: Miami by Lin Yi-Hsuan I’ve been in Miami for almost a week now without any contact address and telephone number, this is the best moment to read the Collected Letters by Rainer Maria Rilke, even though what he is preaching is words and vocabularies, I’d rather think of it as being in Sophie’s World. As if he is giving me lessons across time and space, as if every letter he wrote tells me something about the situations I’m about to encounter.
THE NEW ART OF MAKING BOOKS by Ulises Carrión (1975) WHAT A BOOK IS? A book is a sequence of spaces. Each of these spaces is perceived at a different moment - a book is also a sequence of moments. A book is not a case of words, nor a bag of words, nor a bearer of words.
I'm your vessel and you are mine. The artist didi (b. 2006) is an emerging artist living and working in Taipei. Her practice focuses on exploring the relationship between the indoor space and the body, as well as challenging the concept of rheology in contemporary life. In correspond to the book launch, there will be an exhibition showing a selection of works featured in the book.
From This D To That D(dimension): Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux 在巴黎近郊生活工作的Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux,自2005年來就開始合作接案,作為設計雙人組時,他們工作室叫做VLF。但除了設計之外,他們也把對於視覺內容的興趣衍伸至另外一種層面——藝術創作。某次訪談中,他們坦誠自己時至今日依舊不知道怎麼做,才能把設計與藝術區隔開來
Pierre Huyghe at Centre Pompidou / Pierre Huyghe 龐畢度回顧展 在今年年初於龐畢度中心南藝廊(Centre Pompidou, Galerie du Sud)首次展出法國當代藝術家Pierre Huyghe近五十多件作品,重新定義了展覽的形式與作品的狀態,使展場成為一個由個體節奏所組成內在的世界。
Feel the movement like watching landscapes: Interview with Tomoko Ashikawa 芦川朋子 我認為所謂的空間就是你的大腦,它可以帶你去任何地方旅行。這有點像移動心靈和哲學的概念......我的理想狀況就是, waitingroom存在於世界各地,當畫廊在參加博覽會、或是我的藝術家在其他地方跑秀時,裡頭總是會有一小塊想法或氣場,由我的畫廊出演,走到哪跟到哪。
Feel the movement like watching landscapes: Interview with Artist Yuko Mohri 毛利悠子 My work changes like a landscape, moving unexpectedly, looked like a creature, even if I use machine and technology for my work. Hence, I expect to have this unexpected alteration without defining a result for my work. I would like the audiences to feel my work freely as if looking at a landscape and being absorbed in their own thoughts...
Mapping by Sarah Eisenlohr The series transformed existing magazine imagery of landscapes and architecture by introducing people who live and interact with these places, as a way to re-map idealized and untouched places in relationship to dynamics of space, time, and culture.
Till Rabus: The Reality Behind Reality 大量食物、工業製品、肢體……飽含鮮豔欲滴的色澤,這些在消費社會總以一個切面被無限頌揚的現實,好似廣告畫報上煽情扭曲的美好年代。Till Rabus切割、拼湊、交纏、增殖與放大檢視它們,用光怪陸離、耐人尋味的畫面,揭示了真實背後的「真實」。
Farfromwords by Laure Prouvost Laure Prouvost was born in 1978 in Croix-Lille, France and lives and works in London. In 2011 she was awarded the Max Mara Art Prize for Women, chosen from a distinguished shortlist of artists which included Spartacus Chetwynd, Christina Mackie, Avis Newman and Emily Wardill.
Brea Souders: Film Electric Composed from discarded film, static electricity and strong light, the photographs are tapestries of the artist's personal history.
Gabriel Orozco at Tate Modern 墨西哥藝術家加百列˙奧羅斯科(Gabriel Orozco)以其輕巧但睿智的觀察在當今歐美藝術界裡佔有一席之地,他最常藉著一個簡單的操作,將平凡無奇、沒有特殊表徵的生活物件轉化為別具意義的創作。
Quiz for No.223 No.223, Beijing. A Hedonism photographer. A weird writer. Love visual culture and traveling.
"When I’m getting older , with you" - Niu, Chun-Chiang Solo Exhibition 即時並不等同於此時此刻,螢幕上的永恆預言已成光點一閃即逝。回頭注視我們存在的當下,或許是我過去分歧的創作過程一條清楚的脈絡。