Feel the movement like watching landscapes: Interview with Artist Yuko Mohri 毛利悠子 My work changes like a landscape, moving unexpectedly, looked like a creature, even if I use machine and technology for my work. Hence, I expect to have this unexpected alteration without defining a result for my work. I would like the audiences to feel my work freely as if looking at a landscape and being absorbed in their own thoughts...
Shiyuan Liu & Cheng Ran: The Insights 從事藝術工作時,不斷衍生出思考與審視;當觀眾試圖尋找作品背後的含義時,藝術家為深省與反思留下了空間。不受限於詮釋的可能性,藝術令一個場域超越時間、疆界甚至是次元,讓觀眾宛如置身任何意想不到的地方。