THE NEW ART OF MAKING BOOKS by Ulises Carrión (1975) WHAT A BOOK IS? A book is a sequence of spaces. Each of these spaces is perceived at a different moment - a book is also a sequence of moments. A book is not a case of words, nor a bag of words, nor a bearer of words.
500 Years by Heidi Voet The 500 years exhibition included three interrelated bodies of work that take the lifespan of a plastic bag as a historical period. Instead of looking forward, however, it looks back to link a period of history that has defined the contemporary age, from the earliest colonisation of Latin America, the Renaissance in Europe and the subsequent modernisation, industrialisation and globalization that pervade contemporary life
The Vision of the City by Po-Chieh Chang 「某一層面來看,Google Map的世界已取代了自身對環境的認知,而改變了日常生活中對於外界的探索與互動。」而藝術家使用關鍵點搜尋為出發點,直接以自己的身體在城市中移動遊走,經歷真實的當下,對比虛擬界面使用經驗的便利。
Waterfall stockist - Ti Pi Tin Ti Pi Tin店裡以藝術創作相關與攝影為大宗,在Kat眼中每一本都是獨一無二的藝術作品,也所以她會採取親自與藝術家聯繫、溝通進書事項,時不時也會在店裡舉辦新書發行等活動聚會。關於經營一間獨立書店,Kat自承最初對一切一無所知,但她認為這也是個優勢,「因為我完全不知道開書店是怎麼一回事,所以也不知道要如何害怕,就讓自己放手去做就對了。」
PUTPUT: Everyday is different! In sculptural or other three dimensional work you are quite of able to move around the object, to discover different perspectives and to decide what you want to see. Photography simply gives us the means to both document and decide what we want the audience to see…maybe we are control freaks!
Plants in Error by exercise and edit The unconventional vases are customised for the weeds. The forms are inspired by their different characters, postures, textures, or stories. The materials used are artificial and suggest the living space of human beings. We tried to make the normally ignored and unwelcome weeds become the focal point, living harmoniously in people's interior habitats.
NOT TODAY magazine #2 is out! Continuing the debut issue’s scale, the second NOT TODAY has come out, with finer details and more appealing stories. Another 6 items in OBJECTS; 2 visits to Frankfurt am Main and Buenos Aires for INTERVIEWS. The wonderful duo from Thisispaper made dumplings and borscht and potato cheesecakes for THE KITCHEN. As SOMETHING SPATIAL, this time is about artist-in-residency.
Till Rabus: The Reality Behind Reality 大量食物、工業製品、肢體……飽含鮮豔欲滴的色澤,這些在消費社會總以一個切面被無限頌揚的現實,好似廣告畫報上煽情扭曲的美好年代。Till Rabus切割、拼湊、交纏、增殖與放大檢視它們,用光怪陸離、耐人尋味的畫面,揭示了真實背後的「真實」。
Silent Counts by Johan Rosenmunthe In Silent Counts Rosenmunthe examines rocks as tactile objects through different instruments, angles and compositions. Stones are hard, brutal and dismissive, but also shares an oddly romantic aura of transcendence and time. Stones are weight, surface, age, numbers. Organized and systematically he look at them in a geological perspective, and apply to them a nostalgic, scientific and philosophical point of view.
POP-UP Variety Shows on 14 April! 一天限定!除了瀑布線上商店裡原有的書以外,還有五花八門的藝術攝影新書二手書,來不及上架的新書也會跟著登場。適逢瀑布總部搬遷,到時候除了書以外還會多一些有的沒的不知道如何歸類的東西,總之快點自己來挖寶吧!
All's Well, Ends Well: A dou show presented by Run Amok Gallery The movie itself is used as a mean by En Ning to traverse through spatial and temporal boundaries; it also acts as a tool to select and extend her imagination, claiming these scenes as hers. Similarly, Wu Ma’s choice of portraying his characters in traditional Chinese costumes suggests an attempt to retrieve a certain archetypal period of time that is believed to be long gone.
Christian Jankowski: Casting Jesus 如果你熟悉選秀節目和真人實境秀,大概也會對Christian Jankowski的作品感到會心一笑。這位德國藝術家最新錄像作品以「類型電影」作為藍本,煞有其事地舉辦了一場「耶穌選秀」,三位評審、十三位競賽者、三輪淘汰制,再加上待在另外一個房間觀賞的三百位現場民眾,長達數小時的評選,最後還真的讓他們找出了一位無懈可擊的耶穌化身。
The Dangerous Book Four Boys by James Franco James Franco's first solo show in Berlin at Peres Projects in 2011.
Always Looking For Something Else by Shauba Chang Probably know several ways to comfort a person, but never care about the care label of your clothes. Sometimes, you can't tell the differences between the smell of a soap and the smell of a squid. Toss away the old stuffs and buy the new one instead. Toss away things you don't like and get a new one you like. Believe that some day, the world will be different. Or there will be some world, everyday is different....
Monumenta 2010:Christian Boltanski 過去與著名策展人漢斯•尤利斯•奧布里思特(Hans Ulrich Obrist)的對談當中,法國藝術家克里司汀•波東斯基(Christian Boltanski)曾描述自己的某些個展裝置乍聽像是某部小說的開場白。
Waterfall: Everyone Has Their Own Rooms To form a room/space, start from his point of view, going through varied paths and dimensions and achieve the core of all the matters as destinations. Different people create different rooms, they were built up by every move we take, every choice we make. Pass through those trivial things or even personal experiences, to explore the distance/space/room between the whole world and individuals...
"When I’m getting older , with you" - Niu, Chun-Chiang Solo Exhibition 即時並不等同於此時此刻,螢幕上的永恆預言已成光點一閃即逝。回頭注視我們存在的當下,或許是我過去分歧的創作過程一條清楚的脈絡。