The Old Photography by Shia Shia 有人告訴我,一個人的房間就代表他心裡的樣子,所以心裡亂的時候,更要把房間收拾好,還別忘了多留一點空間,好隨時能接納更多東西。(舊照 / 夏夏)
Waterfall online archives: SNOWCAKE: Every Little Things by Gu Fan Find out more in this issue, please visit here:
Waterfall online archives: It doesnot make sense and it doesnot mean nothing. Why do we need an excuse or explanation? Why do we need people’s opinion? Why can’t we be positive about ourselves? Why do we lack of senses of security? why do i have to answer the questions above?
Waterfall online archives: Moment Recalls: Pak Sheung Chuen by Wei Yu 如果,年老時記得的全不是充滿靈光熠熠的咖啡館,不是挪威的森林、海邊的卡夫卡、多鬆、4am或(已不在的)所在與Post,而滿腦子千篇一律的連 鎖咖啡店時,會是何種光景?越來越多的分店與永遠如新的規格化裝潢,或許將重新定義懷舊這件事。