A single water drop onto a sheer slither of translucent water forms the basis of Shao Yen’s Autumn Winter 2014
collection Ripple.
The most insignificant drop of rain can have a profound effect on nature, taking hold of an expanse of water, completely altering its surroundings. A landscape formed entirely of black creates the backdrop of Shao Yen’s highly innovative digital presentation. Creating an environment which draws the spectator into the collection, much like the ceaseless circular motion a ripple moves in, submerging its surroundings and taking hold of everything in its grips.
Water is a substance of tranquility and peace yet can also be an entity of pain and destruction. Exploring the
different dimensions of water, Shao Yen combines the solidity of glass beads and metallic PVC with fluid lines cut from delicate silks and intertwining faux furs. The tender curves of a ripple are echoed in the delicate cut of the necklines and the flowing silhouette of the hems. The collection is given an added element of particular femininity with emphasis on the nipped-in waistline contrasting with oversized bomber jackets and sport luxe patches.
Crisp silver moon blues and deep sunset reds reflected in tranquil winter waters are recreated to form the main colour palette of Shao Yen’s AW14 collection.
A ripple can create a sight of natural beauty or an environment of spectacular phenomena.
旅英服裝設計師陳劭彥(Shao Yen Chen) 創作立的個人品牌SHAO YEN, 2014AW秋冬新作「Ripple‧漣漪」於英國時間2月16號下午2點,在倫敦時裝週發表,這是陳劭彥第八次在時裝週發表個人服裝系列作品,今年也是陳劭彥首度在倫敦時裝週主展場Summerset House 的CanonCinema & Presentation Space以Digital Presentation的方式,結合裝置藝術、錄像藝術以及模特兒展示,以跨領域的舞台呈現方式,進行品牌發表。此次展出吸引了知名造型師Rebekah Roy和著名時尚部落客與造型師Leaf Greener、Tank 雜誌時尚編輯Elizabeth Black以及倫敦精品店Layers的買家等進場參觀。
SHAO YEN 2014AW秋冬新作靈感來自「水」百變的可塑性和流暢的線條,喜歡大自然的陳劭彥此次將自然界「雨」、 「漣漪」、「水滴」等等之輪廓、顏色和質感,運用及融合在服裝樣式和細節上,本季作品主要顏色以深藍色、銀色和以及紅色為主色系,整體感覺,較前幾季作品更為柔和與女性化,如同40年代特別強調腰身的設計;並結合毛料、人造皮草、絲、羅紋針織、玻璃珠布、pvc等各種異材質,此外在女裝上加上(bomber jacket patches)軍用夾克徽章的概念設計,陳劭彥希望讓柔和的服裝線條,同時展現女性堅毅的特質,且散發個性。包包的部份,則運用水世界裡常見見到的魚、貝縠等,轉化為包包的外形設計,呈現品牌所要展示的趣味性,2014秋冬新作仍然延續前幾季街頭、運動以及藝術性的風格,且更具實穿性,共計22套作品。
陳劭彥表示:「Digital Presentation 的靈感來自攝影師Bill Henson的作品,期望營造出在夜晚的湖邊 ,一群年輕人出現在乎隱乎現的光影間,如水一般難以捉摩,期望創造一種如夢境的感覺。