SEITAI DENKI – A Collection from Previous Waterfall Books

Seitai Denki, aka Bioelectromagnetism, is an aspect of all living things, including all plants and animals. Some animals have acute bioelectric sensors, and others, such as migratory birds, are believed to navigate in part by orienteering with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field. Also, sharks are more sensitive to local interaction in electromagnetic fields than most humans. Other animals, such as the electric eel, are able to generate large electric fields outside their bodies. Biological cells use bioelectricity to store metabolic energy, to do work or trigger internal changes, and to signal one another. Bioelectromagnetism is the electric current produced by action potentials along with the magnetic fields they generate through the phenomenon of electromagnetism.

The metabolic energy, the electricity, it’s too subtle to distinguish, but it’s everywhere in our lives. It could be in the arms of the lovers; it could be in the empty car park under daily routine; it could be some crazy nights; it could be abandoned posters; it could be the fog in the city; it could be every hesitant and every impulse; it could be the moment that has been kept forever; it could be the heartbeat or – the glimmer we couldn’t reach.

Living, it is all about how to catch the illuminations. And what we do is just let them glow/grow.

Curating -
Waterfall (Shauba Chang)

Artists -
Shauba Chang
Ting Cheng
Charlie Engman
Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
Paula Muhr
Simon Nunn
Asen Ognyanov
Stefan Stark
Lukasz Wierzbowski

PV -
2011.09.02 / 19:30

Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00
Chung Shan Creative Hub URS21 / N2
(No. 21, Section 1, MínShēng East Rd, Taipei City, Taiwan)


生体電気 攝影展 - 瀑布的延伸練習

「以前不論如何鬧彆扭,只要我一罵便聽話了;可是現在,​只要一罵她,她便滿臉不在乎的樣子,並且用銳利的眼神斜​瞟我,好似要瞄準什麼似的,直挺 挺的瞪著我,我常有一種​感覺,如果有動物電氣這種東西的話,奈歐蜜的眼睛中必藏​有大量的能量,尤其在她那咄咄逼人的可怕神色中,是如此​尖銳而令人毛 骨悚然。」-癡人之愛 ╱谷崎潤一郎

生体電気,中文稱作生物電(Bioelectromag​netism)是生物體所呈現的電現象。其主要基礎是細​胞膜內外有電位差,即膜電位。安 靜時膜電位之值通常為數​十毫伏,內負外正,稱「靜息電位」。當細胞膜被損傷時,​膜電位減少或損失。當可興奮細胞(如神經元或肌肉細胞)​受刺激而傳導 沖動時,其膜電位發生急劇變化,暫時可變為​內正外負,稱「動作電位」。腦和心臟等器官所表現的複雜​電變化,是它們的組成細胞電變化的總和。腦電圖和心 電圖​等可以反映這些器官的功能狀態,在臨床診斷上被廣泛地應​用。



策展 -
Waterfall (Shauba Chang)

出展藝術家 -
Shauba Chang
Ting Cheng
Charlie Engman
Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
Paula Muhr
Simon Nunn
Asen Ognyanov
Stefan Stark
Lukasz Wierzbowski

開幕 –
2011.09.02 / 19:30

展覽資訊 -
Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00
中山創意基地URS21 / N2 展演空間