Out of “Paradise” by Reiner Riedler
“I had the luck and pleasure being assigned by Austrian director Ulrich Seidl to join the production of his movie trilogy Paradise – Love, Faith and Hope. I was asked to follow the red line of the idea of ‘Paradise’ and felt free to find my own approach to this idea. The ‘Theme of Paradise’ is a topic, that was already part of some of my series like ‘Fake Holidays’ or ‘Pleasure Gardens’. This was a wonderful chance to continue...and a great opportunity to look over the shoulder of a master and get to know many fascinating people. The yourneys took me to Kenya (Love) and Austria (Faith and Hope).”——Reiner Riedler
Reiner Riedler受知名奧地利導演Ulrich Seidl指派加入「PARADISE(天堂三部曲)」的電影製作團隊,造就「Out Of Paradise」這系列攝影的誕生。他被交付的職責是遵循自己對天堂的想像,從而去解讀電影及挹注其中的想法。他在過往的攝影系列作品「Fake Holidays」、「Pleasure Gardens」曾處理過這類天堂 / 樂園的主題,而這次是一個前所未有的機會,得以與電影導演、演員、製作團隊和當地居民一起工作,在這些條件之下,蒸餾出Reiner Riedler眼中的天堂風景。
Reiner Riedler,1968年出生於奧地利。曾研究民族學及修讀攝影學院,後來決定以攝影作為一生志業。他的影像創作大多富含人文思維,從生活的中心走向邊緣,在肉身、豔陽和觥籌之間探求易碎而原始的美,對人類的存在與慾望提出種種詰問。