Silent Counts by Johan Rosenmunthe

Johan Rosenmunthe, an emerging Danish artist in photography. He now lives and works in Copenhagen.

In Silent Counts Rosenmunthe examines rocks as tactile objects through different instruments, angles and compositions. Stones are hard, brutal and dismissive, but also shares an oddly romantic aura of transcendence and time. Stones are weight, surface, age, numbers. Organized and systematically he look at them in a geological perspective, and apply to them a nostalgic, scientific and philosophical point of view. He tries to make images (two-dimensional as well as spatial) that acts as surface and natural results of an experiment. The transition between photography, installation and sculpture is liquid, as he deals with the same conceptual issues.

Johan Rosenmunthe 這位以影像創作為主的新銳藝術家,在新系列「沈默是金(Silent Counts)」中,選擇了石頭作為主題發揮,以各種角度檢視這個材質。石頭一般被認為是堅固的、野蠻的且不受重視,但其中不被時空所動搖的特性卻看似是另外一種浪漫。石頭總有不同重量、表面、數量與年代,藝術家以系統化、組織化的方式在地質學中查看它,並賦予它一個全新的觀點:無論是懷舊的、科學的抑或是哲學的。如同他以往創作的概念,平面攝影、裝置和雕塑之間的轉化是流動的。作品最終以圖像呈現,在二元平面或空間裡,作為表面與自然的實驗結果。


List of the titles, all works courtesy to the artist.

1. Jupiter, Venus, Neptune
2. A question of time 2
3. Controlled landslide
4. Object, reflection, dust
5. Flooding the cave
6. Untitled - Greenlandic rock, hammer, anvil
7. Screen Shot 2012-02-14 at 6.21.16 PM
8. Fake diamond in 3 dimensions
9. Untitled (Rose quartz grapes)
10. Untitled - Blue