Something out of Nothing: Ceramic Work of Homareda Yoko 誉田陽子

Graduated from ESAD(l'École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg), Homareda Yoko, a girl from Tokyo, created series of ceramic work with colors in spring. Look tender, vulnerable, but with a firm mind. Besides, Yoko is an illustrator too, sometimes she describes the tiny details in life with series of cutout; in the serie《Something out of Nothing》, she even had several pieces of work in technique drawing.

The ceramic serie《Something out of Nothing》, first shown in 2013 at Owens Art Gallery in Sackville, Canada. Pink as sakura, canary as lemonade, blue as sky and the light grey, maing up the polygon cones ceramic in Yoko's work. Piles of mountains.

" Working with variation around one shape often allows me to follow through with technical exploration.  Something out of nothing is a project wherein I observe how a simple shape, like a square, triangle, or line, can evolve into something else in my hands.  Following a series of repetitive gestures, the shape and colour will vary over time.  The time that passes is symbolized by the whole group of my pieces, and becomes a complete landscape.  In my work, I try to remain in a constant state of research. " Yoko said.

Clay is Yoko's favorite medium due to the plasticity, making Yoko hovering between the art and design. Each of the ceramic work owns its personality, differing from the time, the shape, and the force of molding clay. Rather than the final achievements, Yoko takes the process as the most important thing.

Yoko now works in Atelier RADAR in Nantes, France, with two illustrators. They also work together as a groupe project for silkscreen, collaborating with other creators.

《Something out of Nothing》is also going to exhibit in ceramic event in Brussels Design September this year.




畢業於法國史特拉斯堡高等裝飾藝術學院(ESAD, l'École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg)碩士班的東京女孩Homareda Yoko,用春天的顏色,創作出一個個小型陶器。溫柔的,彷彿易碎的。堅定的。除了小型陶器外,Yoko也畫畫。鉛筆,色鉛筆,紙材的剪貼,敘述著生活裡那些迷你的物件。

《Something out of Nothing》陶瓷與插畫系列作品,於2013年初次展於加拿大的歐文畫廊(Owens Art Gallery)。粉紅,淺灰,鵝黃,天藍四種色調的多邊三角錐瓷器散落,形狀、大小各不相同,宛如山的聚落。黏土是Yoko最喜歡的媒材,它的可塑性讓Yoko自由地在藝術與設計之間的界限徘徊著,並得以尋找更多關於自己的可能性。每一種形狀、捏陶的力道、甚至色彩,都隱含著屬於瓷器本身的個性;是那麼地相同卻又絕然不同。製作陶器的每一個步驟之間所需要的時間——Yoko著迷著這樣的過程;對她來說,過程比起成品重要許多。

簡單的形狀,經過雙手與時間的交叉雕塑,成為了什麼模樣?這是Yoko在《Something out of Nothing》中,傳達的主要意念。

Yoko目前在法國南特(Nantes)與其他插畫家共享一個工作室——Atelier RADAR;他們獨立工作外也經常對外接案,一起使用網版印刷(Screen printing)創作。

《Something out of Nothing》也將在2014年9月份展於一年一度的布魯塞爾設計師大會(Brussels Design September)。


Homareda Yoko



text/ 歐陽哲芬 Ou Yang Che Fen