Confessions on the apple incident by Tine Bek

丹麥攝影師Tine Bek去年從美術攝影領域的研究所畢業後,便開始經營自己的出版社EARTH SAGA PRESS,相繼出版了許多小型的藝術刊物,特別關注攝影、性別以及地球上普遍卻又重要的事物。最新一期的主題刊載了十三位來自不同地區的男性攝影師,討論陽剛氣質是如何被攝影與書寫所詮釋。而他最新拍攝的創作計劃「蘋果事件的告白」則透過拍攝生活中的象徵慾望的物件隱喻原罪其實無所不在,是他對於誘惑與墮落進行的改編、對於偷嚐禁果後的想像。

Bek的上一個計畫「BAROK」處理了「過剩」這個概念,包含各種各樣景致皆在講述著一個我們的世界中所容納的各樣階層、自大與狂妄的故事,「BAROK」不只是回應巴洛克作為歷史中的一個時代、設計或建築風格,更是關於一種特定的生活方式與一種難以抑制之情。Bek的作品亦關注合作關係,其中一項計畫便是與他的朋友Estelle Fournie共同進行的「拼出我的名字」。他們主要透過文字產出著重呈現社會中的陳腔濫調與刻板印象,但不排除任何媒介在必要之時也作為一種工具使用。攝影對Bek來說,已經如同呼吸、進食、刷牙一般,成為生活的一部份。他的攝影作品是非常直覺的,主題多樣,從街景到人物,都是其紀錄或說拍攝的一部分。


Confessions on the apple incident

Seduction of objects and flowers. The object and representation of the apple, sin is all around us. An adaptation of the fall in our everyday.

Isolating elements of seduction. An archive of memorabilia all linking to seduction, temptation and allurement.

The immediate reaction to guilt, after the first bite.

Danish artist Bek graduated from his postgraduate studies in Fine Art Photography last year. Since then,he has started his own self-run publishing house, EARTH SAGA PRESS, where he publishes various artist publication in small editions, with a specific focus on photography, gender and the earth in a very general and grand term. The latest volume featured 13 male photographers from various geographical locations, all working within the theme of investigating the borders of masculinity and how this is perceived within photography and writing. One of his recent projects, BAROK, dealt with the idea about excess. Viewing this notion with both disgust and admirations,he produced a 100 page book with scenes from various locations and settings however all telling a story about the layers, pomposity and extravaganza the world contains. BAROK is not just a investigation of the baroque as a time in history, design or architecture but a story about a certain way of life and a feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Alongside curatorial aspects,his work also focused on collaborations. One addition is Spell My Name, which is an ongoing process and research piece with his collaborator and friend, Estelle Fournier. Working around cliches and how they deal with stereotypes has been their main focus. They work mainly via text, however when necessary any medium can be used as a tool. Bek’s photographic work is very intuitive and has over the years become just as much a part of his life as breathing, eating and brushing his teeth. He always carries his camera with him, and his subject matter varies from street scenarios to more person documentation.


Tine Beck