Luminant Screen Shapings by Stephan Tillmans It's a photographic series of old tube televisions taken at the very moment they are switched off. The TV picture breaks down and is abstracted to its essential element: light. Each of these photographs is from a different TV, but it's also the length of exposure, timing, and time the TV has been running before the photo is taken that affects the results.
Candidates by Pascal Fellonneau From March to June 2012, Pascal Fellonneau has been regularly wandering the streets of Paris searching for electoral posters of French presidential election 2012. The series Candidates is the result of this work and the exhibition CAMPAGNE shows a selection of it.
Sistema di riferimento monodimensionale by Lamberto Teotino Teotino說到:「這消失的某一段,對於慣於以立體(3D)的空間視角來思考的觀者來說,仿佛就像消失的百慕達三角洲一樣。」黑白老照片本身影射著某一個凍結的當下時刻,卻因為藝術家的操作手法,似乎突然多出了一份浮出於現實和紙上的黑洞象限,更加顯得意味深長而深富哲學性了。
The Silence of Dogs in Cars by Martin Usborne 人與狗之間有著親暱且複雜的關係,它們似乎有辦法引起人們各式各樣的情緒反應,這一系列「被關在車裡的狗」是英國攝影師Martin Usborne的影像擺拍創作,提名為The Silence of Dogs in Cars,他透過刻意的雨夜場景設定與燈光調度,成功地建立起了一份劇場式的影像氛圍。
Viviane Sassen: In and Out of Fashion Viviane Sassen,生於阿姆斯特丹、於阿姆斯特丹工作與生活,也常為了展覽與工作四處奔波。她是近年來備受矚目的新銳攝影師,曾是2011年紐約MOMA美術館攝影新秀展六人中的其中一位。當初念大學時學的原本是時尚,曾在Viktor & Rolf工作,還當過他們的走台模特兒。自2001年起,她首次為Miu Miu拍攝形象廣告後,開啓了她的時尚攝影生涯.....
Xue Picks: Momomi 前一陣子看見了一段影片,將泡泡在零下氣溫結成冰的過程拍攝下來,一層圓形薄膜的周圍像突然想起什麼重要事情的春天,一朵一朵開出霜製的花。來自韓國的攝影師Momomi,拍攝的作品裡總帶著一點溫柔涼爽的空氣,呼吸起來很輕鬆。在結冰的畫面裡面不曉得為什麼也覺得有春天的影子。
DIMENSION VARIABLES by Nico Krijno Nico Krijno photographs are at once hyperreal and otherworldly, seen as a physical performance with humour, sexual innuendo and surreality present in equal measure. Raw as well as magical, the work contains a dirty realism he is beginning to make his own.
Elles se rendent pas compte. (They don't realize.) by Armand Yerly The materials are chosen by instinctive criterias, but if I had to explain them, I would say that on one hand I am (almost inevitably) in a recycling perspective, and on the other that I choose a material for his “reality level“, which has to be high enough. For instance, I consider wood to be more “real“ than paper or cardboard (not used) as it is less moldable, less easily accessible, thus more efficient. Paint for example is generally avoided, as its “thickness“, or “reality level“ is very small on this instinctive scale.'
Topographies of A Lie by Sue-Elie Andrade-Dé Sue-Elie Andrade-Dé, an half french, half portuguese photographer born in France in 1986. She graduated in Photography from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photography d'Arles. Since 2010, She's been working as an independent visual artist collaborating with few artists as André Cepeda, Manuela Marques, and Victor Martins on books, photography & interactive installation's project.
From Dark Cities: Anders Petersen Anders Petersen (b.1944, Sweden) has exhibited internationally and won numerous prizes during his career. His first project, Café Lehmitz, was started soon after he had completed his studies with Christer Strömholm’s School of Photography in Sweden in the late 1960s. Photographing the late-night regulars of Café Lehmitz, a bar in Hamburg, the project was published in 1978 and has since become a seminal book in the history of European photography.....
SE5 by Adele M. Reed SE5, the latest project photogrpaher Adele M. Reed is working on, all shot in South East London documenting a relationship without picturing the relationship itself.
Xue Picks: Parker Fitzgerald 卡在不上不下的人生,追求某種未知卻仍然執著的心中模糊的理想。 在充滿混亂的時刻,見到生活得好看的人,還是會心生羨慕。 不過風景太好看的時候,停下來喘一下氣應該沒關係......
Intersection by Sherry Huang Started from a line from a poem of Shia Yu: "People are chasing for an unreplacable intersection in an limitless space." Sherry worked with her young sister to build up a virtual fashion store, they both like the poem and especially the line, intersection, they named the store after it.......
Xue Picks: Mark Peckmezian 他所拍攝的畫面裡頭的自然都有些不自然。忠實地將不擅面對鏡頭、姿態彆扭的事物記錄起來。 總是將影像保留膠片和相紙邊緣的部分,像是翻閱過去擁有歷史感的家庭剪貼相本。 上禮拜記錄下來的事件,仿佛立刻就塞進了幾十年份的灰塵。
Dream Material: a recent proejct by Paul Herbst In an existential exclamation of withdrawal, Paul Herbst’s photographs at once portray a world of subtle intensities with momentous simplicity. His images hosts a constant dialogue between what we perceive and what we understand, leaving us aloof in the gaps of unanswerable questions. (From Morel Books)
Taiwan by Ryan Harding 'Taiwan' is a series of photographs documenting life in Taiwan, attempting to portray a sense of nostalgia, mysteriousness and the dream-like qualities of reality by focusing on the unconventional, quirky candid actions of everyday people in everyday situations.
Wolfgang Tillmans at the Serpentine Gallery 平面攝影之所以吸引人,在於影像跳轉在隨機和審慎之間的傳真性。照片影像有太多的再製和輸出方式,意義能夠一再的添覆和翻轉;接受社會檢視之餘,即使光影下的物件已隨底片成像或註記在感光元件之上,也無時無刻隨著時代改變,不斷自行增生意義。
Trivia by Charlie Engman Charlie Engman. BA (1st Class Honours) in Japanese and Korean Studies, the University of Oxford, 2009. Currently lives and works in New York City.
Leigh Ledare at the Pilar Corrias Gallery 當今攝影世界,我們見過無數表現親暱情狀和擁有強烈視覺感的作品,無論是關於日子裡的幽微情感,或是表現人與人關係裡的豪放和糾結,平面影像為人眼也為心智敞開一條通往私密的管道,觀者受到觸動的同時,不免思考,窺看或見證他人生活的邊緣和界限在哪。