FOOD extra: Gather Journal 《Gather Journal》是一本專注於美食與烹飪的生活誌,每半年出刊一次,每一期企劃特定的主題,透過來自世界各地啓發靈感的食譜、文字和令人讚嘆的攝影,詮釋各種令人耳目一新的季節性飲食,多彩的時蔬和新鮮的海產於焉在眼前豐盛地展開。
FOOD extra: Black Isle Bakery Black Isle Bakery和藝術總監型塑出完全現代的品牌形象,並與時尚攝影師Lena Emery合作,發表一系列畫面細緻簡約、彷彿帶有溫度和香氣的食物攝影——乾淨而迷人,恰似Black Isle Bakery簡單卻可口的烘焙一般。
Salaryman by Bruno Quinquet 混合了紀實風格的街頭攝影和概念藝術的特質,一方面描繪了東京上班族的日常,另一方面則是探索日本首都的季節百態。刻意巧妙地遮掩了人像的臉部,使得這個平淡無奇的攝影主題萌生了獨特的詩意和神秘感。在Bruno的鏡頭下,得以看見上班族與城市之間隱約的互動,時而詼諧、時而憂戚,透過城市的色彩,映照出標籤下的人性。
Martina Giammaria: Posing Martina Giammaria, born in 1976, former archaeologist, now photographer based in Milan. She works for editorial and commercial clients with fashion, portraits and stories. She has published in commercial and independent magazines
Home Sweet Home by Ryan Oskin Ryan Oskin is an artist currently living and working in Brooklyn, N.Y. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Photography. His work investigates domesticity and nature through sculpture, installation, and photography. Home Sweet Home consists of plants and objects that have occupied places he has called home.
Paulushaus: San Vicente San Vicente, from a 5 weeks surftrip to the north shores of Spain by Paulushaus. He's born in 1988 in Osterholz-Scharmbeck (Bremen, Germany), now lives and works in Berlin.
Lesley Ann Ercolano: The Surprise Box In Ordinary Life 這些畫面有些是抓拍、有些是藉由等待來做好準備,當日復一日的生活因為驚奇的片刻誘發了敏銳的觀察力,就被能被快速流轉的世界感動——在Lesley的作品裡,湖面成了萬花筒、家具成了遊樂區,她最愛的貓更是時時成為她攝影中的主角,每一幀生活影像都彷彿是一齣齣飽含能量的即興劇場。
Alberto Moreu: The Edge of Tranquillity 白色和中性色的基調,詩意中帶有一種冷靜,藉由追求極簡的印象,挖掘、突出人事物的性格——影像簡單,因而敘事完整,捕捉了組成一切的氛圍。
Double Perceptions by Natalie Zervou and Jack Kerruish With the developments in image making and ascension into digital photography it is necessary for us to reconsider the ways in which photographs influence our perception of reality, the functioning of memory and our trust in visual records.
Subtropico by Esteban Lahoz Subtropico is the result of the artist latest journey. Her aim was to represent it as an interior trip, an introspection through the personal experiences lived in a foreign territory. Loneliness and curiosity have been the driving force behind the capture of the images, which have created this autobiographical journey.
After Wake by Aaron McElroy After Wake is a collection of visual fragments & anonymous female subjects from the artist’s daily life. Separated from the minutia of McElroy’s lived reality, however, the photographs also allow for an endless drift of fictitious suggestion & voyeurism.
Portraits Of Library Books (2013) by Meng-Tang Chuang In this series of photography, I’m exploring the definition of the books. I am trying to rebuild the library by putting the books inside out, reading the colours and the traces on the surface of the pages instead.
Animalism, Naturalism by Synchrodogs Synchrodogs是來自烏克蘭的攝影雙人組。在Animalism, Naturalism這個系列中,人體在自然環境中達成充滿戲劇張力的平衡,刻意營造一種獸性,忠實演示人與自然之間最初的樣貌和情感聯結。當觀者看見作品時產生微妙的困惑、荒謬感與驚奇興奮的同時,再度驗證了在現代人性中潛伏沉眠的動物性。
Jessica Tremp: The Emotional Eyes 1981年生,現居墨爾本。她的攝影展現了戲劇性、大自然與浪漫主義,經常以自身、人和自然等她所喜愛的事物為題材,作品有著辨識度高的空靈氣質。你可以看見美麗的靈魂、優雅的自然、溫柔的光線,甚至是剔透的憂傷。
Peter Kaaden: All the Living Flesh 年輕的德國攝影師,現居柏林。忠於底片攝影。透過捕捉有趣、古怪的人以及美麗或瘋狂的心靈,Kadden的攝影時常彌漫著一股反叛的味道,鮮麗的色澤暴露出直接、衝突的美感,在這些毫不保留的場景之中,人們因而發現無比誠實的自己。
Silent Counts by Johan Rosenmunthe In Silent Counts Rosenmunthe examines rocks as tactile objects through different instruments, angles and compositions. Stones are hard, brutal and dismissive, but also shares an oddly romantic aura of transcendence and time. Stones are weight, surface, age, numbers. Organized and systematically he look at them in a geological perspective, and apply to them a nostalgic, scientific and philosophical point of view.
Through A Gilded Stomach by Roxana Azar Roxana Azar is a photographer and digital artists that lives and works in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Her work has been published in independent publications such as Of the Afternoon, Mossless, and Beautiful/Decay, and featured on photography blogs and websites such as Wandering Bears and Ain't Bad Magazine.
Best Before End by Stephen Gill 最值得玩味的是,Stephen Gill的作品竟然充滿了挑逗的色彩,並且帶著一股讓人意欲探索接近的迷人氛圍,好像他所建構的影像世界就環繞在我們身邊,是一處可能到達得了的鏡花緣。
Relationships by Bezel Wang "I'm trying to protrait the hands, as the subject in my practice, to express how I feel or to interpret the possible situations in the relationships between people." 「我試圖以手作為拍攝的主體,來表達我內心的情感,或是用來詮釋人與人之間關係中可能產生的互動。」
From the Earth by Maggie Harrsen A selction of works from two series "Solidago" and "Kanoa" by New York based photographer Maggie Harrsen. She takes her practices in the connection with nature life and all living creatures. "As all living beings carry an individual etheric vibration, these works aim to study this single yellow flower, its essence and healing capacity." - Maggie Harrsen on Solidago