Housing the Friendship A book exhibition as a celebration as well as a response to the inspirations bought by John Hejduk and Alvin Boyarsky, two iconic souls in architecture world. Organized by Winsing Art Palace bookstore with guest curator Jr-Gang Chi.
I'm your vessel and you are mine. The artist didi (b. 2006) is an emerging artist living and working in Taipei. Her practice focuses on exploring the relationship between the indoor space and the body, as well as challenging the concept of rheology in contemporary life. In correspond to the book launch, there will be an exhibition showing a selection of works featured in the book.
New High Land A pop-up exhibition/store at a pharmacy presented by nos:books, including works from their previous titles and collaborating artists.
Evoked: a cultural project bridging the gap between the traditional and the contemporary 《Evoked 承誌》以專題方式記錄不同領域的當代創作者/行動者,如何回應從過去而來的文化召喚,由紙本開始,未來更希望能搭建如策展、講座等多元的形式,成為集結各方觀點與對話的交流平台,凝聚傳統文化技藝於當代延續的力量。
500 Years by Heidi Voet The 500 years exhibition included three interrelated bodies of work that take the lifespan of a plastic bag as a historical period. Instead of looking forward, however, it looks back to link a period of history that has defined the contemporary age, from the earliest colonisation of Latin America, the Renaissance in Europe and the subsequent modernisation, industrialisation and globalization that pervade contemporary life
Give Me Yesterday 把昨天給我 “Give Me Yesterday,” curated by Francesco Zanot, will inaugurate the program of Osservatorio, Fondazione Prada’s new exhibition space located in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan and dedicated to photography and visual languages. The show includes works by 14 Italian and international artists.
Leaves Without Routes 無來由之葉 This exhibition focuses upon the long-term relationship between Taiwan and Japan, as exemplified through the Taipei Botanical Garden and the Japanese house within it, to consider how other places have shaped Taiwan, and also how Taiwan is imagined - fictitiously or otherwise - by those from other places or people.
Waterfall at NYABF 2015! We are thrilling to join this wonderful NYABF, at MoMA PS1, from 18–20 September this weekend. Find us and say hi at Table R08 (2F) if you're in town!
"Floaters" by Mayumi Hosokura - Conversations and Book signing The artist Mayumi Hosokura is re-visiting Taipei in Jan for her new works, and we've arrange a book signing event during her stay. For the event, we've invited the founder of Shimokitazawa Books to start a casual conversation on photography, hot pots, books, Tokyo city and Taipei city with the artist.
2014 混種現場 On Site 邁入第三年,2014年的「混種現場On Site」沿襲以往融合音樂、聲響、影像的跨界演出, 即將在這個週末展開長達一週的活動。 9月27日至10月4日分別在華山大草原、台北國際藝術村以及寶藏巖國際藝術村舉行。
New York Art Book Fair and the very after party! Dear friends, We are releasing a new title: Floaters by artist Mayumi Hosokura this weekend at Printed Matter’s NYABF, at MoMA PS1, from 26–29 September. Find us and say hi at Table W07 (2F) if you're in the city! Also, please come to our very after party on 9.30 in Brooklyn after the book fair!
Special feature of NOT TODAY 2/6 –– 日常宇宙 The living universe 在三十坪左右的公寓背景底下,他們分享持家的理念、對居所與生活的想法;細膩的家庭肖像照底下,是歲時移動的細節和軌跡。
Take a look at YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2014 今年度的YAT特別著重當代攝影藝術,除了舉辦「Portfolio Review」這類在其他歐美亞國家行之有年,由創作者向攝影圈前輩、資深評論者展示作品的交流、評圖活動;也邀請了首屆亞洲攝影節策展人顧錚、韓國東江國際攝影節創辦人金升坤、日本木村伊兵衛寫真賞評審瀨戶正人,針對當地代表藝術家的作品,特別策劃焦點式的攝影展覽,展現當代亞洲的攝影藝術風貌。
Shashasha 写々者: Delivering Japanese photography to the world 來自日本的線上平台〈shashasha 写々者〉,秉持著對攝影的熱愛,無論在實體出版或數位化領域皆下足了功夫,默默累積日本攝影相關資料,建構出一個擁有龐大資料的平台,是目前為止亞洲攝影資料庫的瑰寶。
NOT TODAY magazine #2 is out! Continuing the debut issue’s scale, the second NOT TODAY has come out, with finer details and more appealing stories. Another 6 items in OBJECTS; 2 visits to Frankfurt am Main and Buenos Aires for INTERVIEWS. The wonderful duo from Thisispaper made dumplings and borscht and potato cheesecakes for THE KITCHEN. As SOMETHING SPATIAL, this time is about artist-in-residency.
Ghost House: Ohad Matalon’s solo exhibition While abandoned houses and ruins are fascinating subjects, the artist goes beyond spectator. Matalon resists the role of spectating recorder, and disturbs the trace of time in these spaces by rearranging objects, alluding to existence and memory in recreating a “still here” presence in these abandoned buildings.
「Nessun Dorma 你是懂了嘛」- A Solo Exhibition by I-Hsuen Chen There are always people want to tell me their secrets. They might think that I would understand how they feel. Well, there must be some misunderstanding, which I do not understand.