The Living Universe - Bonus Track 在NOT TODAY雜誌第二期中,我們以日常宇宙(The Living Universe)為題,用家庭訪問的方式,討論在不同城市居住的人們對於家的想像。核心家庭、同志家庭、單身家庭、同居家庭⋯⋯現今各種類型的居住者已經改變了對於家的定義;一個空間可能在不同時間不同狀態下,必須重疊不同的功能,因此這個空間原本的定義也將被改寫。
PUTPUT: Everyday is different! In sculptural or other three dimensional work you are quite of able to move around the object, to discover different perspectives and to decide what you want to see. Photography simply gives us the means to both document and decide what we want the audience to see…maybe we are control freaks!
A Vulgar Serial by Yuji Fann 拍生活的攝影師很多,有的紀實、有的拍日常或是拍自己。但我常想:如果為了拍照而上街,那我是在拍生活嗎?今天帶著相機就打算出去拍照,那今天是我的生活嗎?一個很刺激的畫面,跟一個無聊、但對我很有意義的畫面,到底哪一個算是生活?攝影和生活的關係於我常常是一種拉扯。
NEW TACK ——伊丹豪 GO ITAMI 2014 TAIWAN EXHIBITION NEW TACK,日本攝影師伊丹豪繼柏林與東京個展之後,首次於亞洲其他國家所舉辦的初回大型個展。藉由訪談,窺看伊丹豪與台灣,以及全新的視覺提案。
Feel the movement like watching landscapes: Interview with Tomoko Ashikawa 芦川朋子 我認為所謂的空間就是你的大腦,它可以帶你去任何地方旅行。這有點像移動心靈和哲學的概念......我的理想狀況就是, waitingroom存在於世界各地,當畫廊在參加博覽會、或是我的藝術家在其他地方跑秀時,裡頭總是會有一小塊想法或氣場,由我的畫廊出演,走到哪跟到哪。
Feel the movement like watching landscapes: Interview with Artist Yuko Mohri 毛利悠子 My work changes like a landscape, moving unexpectedly, looked like a creature, even if I use machine and technology for my work. Hence, I expect to have this unexpected alteration without defining a result for my work. I would like the audiences to feel my work freely as if looking at a landscape and being absorbed in their own thoughts...
Now it’s an age of sensation: Conversation with Artist Chunghan Yao I think art-making is a product of something that is quite spiritual, for example before I would always have some inspiration and thoughts after going to movies or reading books, and now I seem to have changed from the role of a receiver to that of a giver. Giving others spiritual or visual stimulations in the hope that they would do some thinking after going to exhibitions or performances....
independent magazine series | The Plant Journal by YC Chen The Plant Journal: We want people to enjoy reading it and not just open it, look at the photos and leave it on a shelve. It is definitely a lifestyle magazine. I see the same group of people that buy our magazine are also people who are interested in culture and are curious about what new stuff is going on, while never forgetting about old style habits and lifestyle.
independent magazine series | Correspondencia by YC Chen Correspondencia是一本充滿私人化生活態度的雜誌,來自於創辦者Juan Ignacio Moralejo。這本雜誌來自於阿根廷,只能在為數不多的各國獨立書店裡找到它的蹤跡,它並不特別強調個人主義,沒有人物專訪、也不將重點放在創作者的個人功勳之上。首期雜誌收錄了藝術家Wolfgang Tillmans和Mark Borthwick的影像。Moralejo曾在雜誌創刊號發行之初,表示自己非常仰慕Tillmans,直言這些藝術家在九〇年代改變了他理解雜誌和攝影的方式。
independent magazine series | The White Review by YC Chen 這本視覺乾淨極簡的雜誌則是本文字份量很扎實的刊物,幾乎像是一本書一樣,他們以提倡「好新聞(Good Journalism)」為職志,在當代藝術、文學的領域上提供了優美又深度的文章,有趣的是在目錄頁,每一篇文章的背後還有小括號註明這是哪一類別,A代表藝術(art),F代表小說(fiction),P代表詩(poetry)等。網站上的內容和平面不同;如同刊名的靈感來自上上一個世紀的巴黎老雜誌La Revue Blanche,The White Review可說是一本帶著經典風味的嶄新後起之秀。
independent magazine series | Kilimanjaro by YC Chen Image has always been of the utmost importance to me. I think, often, in art, that people are afraid to admit to an interest in beauty – beauty has always been an important part of Kilimanjaro, and I like to allow the images to speak for themselves. The approach with using a newsprint-style format for the text is sort of the same, but inverted...
Stephan Tillmans - The key elements are light and time. Stephan Tillmans, born in 1982 in Westerstede.
Emma Critchley - A collapse of time. Emma Critchley has worked as an underwater image-maker for over 8 years and recently graduated from The Royal College of Art.Through her practice Emma explores the human relationship with the underwater environment. Her award winning work has been exhibited internationally, in galleries and festivals.....
Quiz for No.223 No.223, Beijing. A Hedonism photographer. A weird writer. Love visual culture and traveling.
Conversation with Kaj Lehmann Q: In your opinion, are you able to change the world? How? A: To answer this question you'd have to define what you mean with "world". I think you can't change the world at large, the human species is heading for a certain point, this process would be slow-/stopable, but only with mass destruction...