Xue Picks: Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer 這些作品來自於Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer兩個藝術家的合作,他們分別居住在柏林和蘇黎世。經由某個網站上的圖片來源找了回去,仍然沒有得到太多的訊息,只知道它們叫做Flügel,德文的翅膀。接著就想到前一陣子發現藏在神秘之處的某張紙條上的句子,「基於模糊的動機,所凝聚成的現象」這句話抄寫在跟這些翅膀狀態很相似的紙張上面。斷掉的、散落的、遺失主體。
The families of flowering plants Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval by L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz(1992 onwards). Always fond of the texture of these botanical hand drawings, it's more like art than science when they've been recorded in this way.
Double by Wanshu Lu and Jiexin Lin A selection from the series Double, a collaboration between two artists: Wanshu Lu and Jiexin Lin. All mobile photos were selected from two different phones, which the owner took in random places and times. Each pair meets the similiar interstes in some way.
Farfromwords by Laure Prouvost Laure Prouvost was born in 1978 in Croix-Lille, France and lives and works in London. In 2011 she was awarded the Max Mara Art Prize for Women, chosen from a distinguished shortlist of artists which included Spartacus Chetwynd, Christina Mackie, Avis Newman and Emily Wardill.
A poem: Do not disturb, do not wake up my beloved by Lin Yao-De 在寂靜的陽台上我辨識天上的事物\想像如何創造不曾存在的星座\看不見的星球在另一個世界的白晝默默焚毀\它們最後的轉動散發排笛的沙啞憂傷\億萬光年之外 最後的轉動\所有的鐘錶和砂漏擴張著崩潰的鳴響......
Xue Picks: Jeremy Perrodeau 這些圖像如同充滿計劃性的失誤或者是刻意安排的意外。看似難以動搖的物件,用陌生的方式拆解排列組合,成為了冷漠的裝置。如果放在人物上說不定就像喜劇演員扳著一張臉在做難度很高的瑜伽.......
David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight) David Bowie's new single 'The Stars (Are Out Tonight)', music video co-starring: Tilda Swinton. Just love the combination!
SHAO YEN 將最新作品2012年春夏系列命名為<神女>,服裝設計師陳劭彥這麼解釋:「這個名字來自於一部由阮玲玉主演的黑白電影,她在電影裡飾演一位母親,為了照顧孩子的生計下海當妓女,她的遭遇讓她得扮演不同的角色,白天是偉大的母親女神,晚上卻成了青樓神女。」
Christian Jankowski: Casting Jesus 如果你熟悉選秀節目和真人實境秀,大概也會對Christian Jankowski的作品感到會心一笑。這位德國藝術家最新錄像作品以「類型電影」作為藍本,煞有其事地舉辦了一場「耶穌選秀」,三位評審、十三位競賽者、三輪淘汰制,再加上待在另外一個房間觀賞的三百位現場民眾,長達數小時的評選,最後還真的讓他們找出了一位無懈可擊的耶穌化身。
SENTAI DENKI – An exhibition presented by Waterfall it could be every hesitant and every impulse; it could be the moment that has been kept forever; it could be the heartbeat or – the glimmer we couldn’t reach...... Living, it is all about how to catch the illuminations. And what we do is just let them glow/grow.
SEITAI DENKI – A Collection from Previous Waterfall Books Seitai Denki, aka Bioelectromagnetism, is an aspect of all living things, including all plants and animals. Some animals have acute bioelectric sensors, and others, such as migratory birds, are believed to navigate in part by orienteering with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field.....
Gabriel Orozco at Tate Modern 墨西哥藝術家加百列˙奧羅斯科(Gabriel Orozco)以其輕巧但睿智的觀察在當今歐美藝術界裡佔有一席之地,他最常藉著一個簡單的操作,將平凡無奇、沒有特殊表徵的生活物件轉化為別具意義的創作。
The Dangerous Book Four Boys by James Franco James Franco's first solo show in Berlin at Peres Projects in 2011.
Always Looking For Something Else by Shauba Chang Probably know several ways to comfort a person, but never care about the care label of your clothes. Sometimes, you can't tell the differences between the smell of a soap and the smell of a squid. Toss away the old stuffs and buy the new one instead. Toss away things you don't like and get a new one you like. Believe that some day, the world will be different. Or there will be some world, everyday is different....
Pocket Talismans by Carlos Arroyo Galaxia They had a potential from a prior existence, a power that then multiplied the longer I carried them on my person. One piece instinctively drew to another, they were bound together, and their energy fused. They were no longer objects I found. Now I am creating new talismans.
She by Yu-En Hsieh I have been receiving letters addressing to someone named Catherine every now and then. I kept all of them in a box, which belonged to her. But one time, by chance, I unwrapped a parcel and found her resume lay inside, which allowed me to inform myself of all her experience...
Monumenta 2010:Christian Boltanski 過去與著名策展人漢斯•尤利斯•奧布里思特(Hans Ulrich Obrist)的對談當中,法國藝術家克里司汀•波東斯基(Christian Boltanski)曾描述自己的某些個展裝置乍聽像是某部小說的開場白。
Mapped by Maryanne Casasanta Mapped describes a measured personal space characterized by a single length of twine. In this sculptural situation, I have attempted to bring space closer together through a relationship of overlaps and crossovers. It was as a meditative response to a desire I had to create a unified architectural shift in my everyday environment. Mapped was installed in my bachelor apartment for two weeks.