隙縫中的綠芽:自出版者的嘗試/傻瓜書日 田調訪談期間,許多位受訪的創作者開始自出版的原因皆是在當地缺乏展覽機會,於是投入製書、出版,將滿滿的創作能量注入書裡,書遂成為紙上展示空間,紙張成為乘載影像的容器。當缺乏展覽機會成為大多創作者投入自出版的原因,對東南亞的創作者而言,攝影書與展覽作品間的關係是如何?自出版是一個怎麼樣的藝術實踐?
The Inspiration and Notes for Folk-tales of the Sea and the Moon by YANG Yu-Chiao When Chiu Cheng-Hung’s The Balcony came into sight for the first time, I naturally thought of the scene when someone looked out from behind a railing. To look out from a railing is differently from simply looking around on the beach.
Why Are Myths Necessary? Memories of the End and the Beginning of the World by Toshiaki ISHIKURA Myths were once carved in caves and on rocks, embedded in paintings and writings, and continuously passed down through the memory of oral tradition. Taiwan’s indigenous community has also inherited the culture of sharing different myths.
Meditation of the Trail-ness: The Hidden South and the Rhizomic Extension of Spiritual Geography by GONG Jow-Jiun After the darkest moment passed, floating fireflies began surfacing like spirits. As our bodies immersed in the tranquil air, leaves above our heads rustled, and a patch of starry sky appeared beyond the tree tops while fine and delicate glistening beads of dew could be seen around us.
An Encounter with the Landscape in Dreams by Chihiro MINATO In the ancient time, long before human beings appeared, spirits had lent their powers to complete projects on this island. In a similar way, a southbound route, a spiritual south-link highway, was born within me, through which the moment of traveling to the next stop would soon arrive.
What is Democracy? by Ting-Tong Chang Hundreds of emails were send to different departments of UK government. questions as follow: In accordance with Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following information, which I believe to be held by (your department): What is Democracy?
THE NEW ART OF MAKING BOOKS by Ulises Carrión (1975) WHAT A BOOK IS? A book is a sequence of spaces. Each of these spaces is perceived at a different moment - a book is also a sequence of moments. A book is not a case of words, nor a bag of words, nor a bearer of words.
The Vision of the City by Po-Chieh Chang 「某一層面來看,Google Map的世界已取代了自身對環境的認知,而改變了日常生活中對於外界的探索與互動。」而藝術家使用關鍵點搜尋為出發點,直接以自己的身體在城市中移動遊走,經歷真實的當下,對比虛擬界面使用經驗的便利。
Notes of Venice 2 踏入這座1588年落成的圖書館,由建築內部的樣貌就不得不先讚嘆當時威尼斯商業貿易活動的盛況,藝術家在圖書館內設立了網路機房,滿室藍光映輝著紀念廳內舖天蓋地的文藝復興內裝,這番情境讓人看著看著竟也從一開始的不協調感轉而合理。「秘密力量(Secret Power)」作為展覽名稱,可以是說情報的力量,也可以說是網路的存在、對於目前世界現狀影響的力量吧。
Notes of Venice 1 今年是第56屆的威尼斯雙年展,現居紐約與慕尼黑、同時也是威尼斯首任非裔(奈及利亞)策展人Okwui Enwezor,以「全世界的未來(All The World's Futures)」為主題,策劃了此次於水都舉行的藝術盛會。雙年展除了綠園城堡(Giardini)與兵工廠(Arsale)兩個主會場、88個國家館各自散落在主會場與整個威尼斯市區水域之外,還有上百個大大小小的平行展覽進行著。
Kay Walkowiak: A Different Order In his photographs, sculptures and videos, Kay Walkowiak explores the concepts of emptiness and fullness, distance and proximity, display and situation. The artist combines ready-mades and minimalist objects and places them in dense choreographies and absurd narratives.
Plants in Error by exercise and edit The unconventional vases are customised for the weeds. The forms are inspired by their different characters, postures, textures, or stories. The materials used are artificial and suggest the living space of human beings. We tried to make the normally ignored and unwelcome weeds become the focal point, living harmoniously in people's interior habitats.
Sabine Perigault: The Flow of the Substances Her images are build by combining different forms, objects and materials. By using basic and sometimes minimal shapes, She tries to hit the essence of the subject. Photography is her way of philosophizing about the structures and layers of our behavior towards others and ourselves.
Something out of Nothing: Ceramic Work of Homareda Yoko 誉田陽子 春天的色彩與迷你物件,錐形的山形瓷器。簡單的形狀,經過雙手與時間的交叉雕塑,成為了什麼模樣?
『Tender Mountain ~Mt.Shirane~』:Yui Horiuchi Solo Exhibition The quietness of Yugama reminded Horiuchi of the moon palace which exists in her imagination. "That emerald is so soft as a color and when I wanted to explain about the mountain I thought '優しさ' in my mind and then I decided to call it 'tender mountain'." Horiuchi said.
From This D To That D(dimension): Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux 在巴黎近郊生活工作的Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux,自2005年來就開始合作接案,作為設計雙人組時,他們工作室叫做VLF。但除了設計之外,他們也把對於視覺內容的興趣衍伸至另外一種層面——藝術創作。某次訪談中,他們坦誠自己時至今日依舊不知道怎麼做,才能把設計與藝術區隔開來
Pierre Huyghe at Centre Pompidou / Pierre Huyghe 龐畢度回顧展 在今年年初於龐畢度中心南藝廊(Centre Pompidou, Galerie du Sud)首次展出法國當代藝術家Pierre Huyghe近五十多件作品,重新定義了展覽的形式與作品的狀態,使展場成為一個由個體節奏所組成內在的世界。