All's Well, Ends Well: A dou show presented by Run Amok Gallery

Run Amok Gallery is pleased to announce its first show ‘All’s Well, Ends Well’, a duo show by Wu Ma and He En Ning.

Wu Ma frequents the flea markets of George Town, where he sells his paintings, bric-a-brac and small objects of novelty. His grassroots paintings carry a sense of spontaneous naivety yet poise an unruffled confidence about his chosen subject matters. Being a self-taught artist and only by using Buncho poster colours, he constructs a mythical and fantastical allegory of imaginary world through motifs such as stallions, sceneries, spectres and daily happenings. En Ning usually works with pencil. She is also an avid collector of daily objects who totemizes each item with her own memories. By drawing reference from Hong Kong movies, she seizes scenes that she sees fit and singles out the backdrop, leaving only the characters and a few pieces of furniture. By doing this, she crystallizes the essence of the scenes yet denies direct reference and contextual meaning, allowing herself and the viewers to fill in their own.

The movie itself is used as a mean by En Ning to traverse through spatial and temporal boundaries; it also acts as a tool to select and extend her imagination, claiming these scenes as hers. Similarly, Wu Ma’s choice of portraying his characters in traditional Chinese costumes suggests an attempt to retrieve a certain archetypal period of time that is believed to be long gone.

RUN AMOK GALLERY 推出成立以來第一檔展覽「潮繪˙俗畫」,展出馬來西亞悟馬(Wu Ma)和台灣藝術家何恩寧(En Ning)二人的繪畫作品。

悟馬是一位穿遊於喬治鎮跳蚤市場的擺攤者,販賣自己的手工水彩畫和小件古玩。他的畫風有著濃濃的草根味,描繪市井小民的各種私下生活情狀;他使用BUNCHO牌顏料,訴說著他的冷眼觀察,穿插在駿馬、鯉魚、亭台樓閣等類似中國山水畫的構圖裡,形成一系 列奇異的鄉城俗世繪。而何恩寧以鉛筆作畫,挑選兒時看過的港產電影作為範本,把電影情節定格,選擇性的抽離了人物、背景、情節,凸顯了一種非現實的真空狀態。這個動作有如攝影術,捕捉了她對港產電影一種無法描述的戀慕情結。



PLACE: Run Amok Gallery (151-O, Off Hutton Lane, 10050 Georgetown, Malaysia.)

TIME: 22.03 to 13.04.2013, from Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 6pm