Xue Picks: Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer

Xue Picks: Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer

這些作品來自於Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer兩個藝術家的合作,他們分別居住在柏林和蘇黎世。經由某個網站上的圖片來源找了回去,仍然沒有得到太多的訊息,只知道它們叫做Flügel,德文的翅膀。接著就想到前一陣子發現藏在神秘之處的某張紙條上的句子,「基於模糊的動機,所凝聚成的現象」這句話抄寫在跟這些翅膀狀態很相似的紙張上面。斷掉的、散落的、遺失主體。

Xue Picks: Aidan Koch

Xue Picks: Aidan Koch

Aidan Koch描繪出來的日常景象與切片,可以暫時讓我把自己丟進一座植物園、沒有遊客嘈雜聲的靜謐海邊、在公車上前往目的舒服發呆的座位。把氣氛濃縮在描繪出來的邊界裡面。有時候也在想,如果因為氣候或其餘不可抗的因素,不適合出外郊遊,到有很大廣場的公園、烈日沙灘,那些簡單普通的風景地點。只能待在室內的話,也許有其他替代的事物能感受相似的心情。

Elles se rendent pas compte. (They don't realize.) by Armand Yerly

Elles se rendent pas compte. (They don't realize.) by Armand Yerly

The materials are chosen by instinctive criterias, but if I had to explain them, I would say that on one hand I am (almost inevitably) in a recycling perspective, and on the other that I choose a material for his “reality level“, which has to be high enough. For instance, I consider wood to be more “real“ than paper or cardboard (not used) as it is less moldable, less easily accessible, thus more efficient. Paint for example is generally avoided, as its “thickness“, or “reality level“ is very small on this instinctive scale.'