Candidates by Pascal Fellonneau From March to June 2012, Pascal Fellonneau has been regularly wandering the streets of Paris searching for electoral posters of French presidential election 2012. The series Candidates is the result of this work and the exhibition CAMPAGNE shows a selection of it.
Sistema di riferimento monodimensionale by Lamberto Teotino Teotino說到:「這消失的某一段,對於慣於以立體(3D)的空間視角來思考的觀者來說,仿佛就像消失的百慕達三角洲一樣。」黑白老照片本身影射著某一個凍結的當下時刻,卻因為藝術家的操作手法,似乎突然多出了一份浮出於現實和紙上的黑洞象限,更加顯得意味深長而深富哲學性了。
Toilet Paper x Seletti Right from the start we liked the idea that Toiletpaper was a label that could be applied to a broad series of objects: magazines, books, plates, mugs and tablecloths. Pierpaolo and I are like sadistic scientists: everything that’s around us can be infected by the TP virus, we continually test different samples and we analyze the results, so that Toiletpaper can become a style, and not just a photographic one
The Silence of Dogs in Cars by Martin Usborne 人與狗之間有著親暱且複雜的關係,它們似乎有辦法引起人們各式各樣的情緒反應,這一系列「被關在車裡的狗」是英國攝影師Martin Usborne的影像擺拍創作,提名為The Silence of Dogs in Cars,他透過刻意的雨夜場景設定與燈光調度,成功地建立起了一份劇場式的影像氛圍。
Viviane Sassen: In and Out of Fashion Viviane Sassen,生於阿姆斯特丹、於阿姆斯特丹工作與生活,也常為了展覽與工作四處奔波。她是近年來備受矚目的新銳攝影師,曾是2011年紐約MOMA美術館攝影新秀展六人中的其中一位。當初念大學時學的原本是時尚,曾在Viktor & Rolf工作,還當過他們的走台模特兒。自2001年起,她首次為Miu Miu拍攝形象廣告後,開啓了她的時尚攝影生涯.....
Xue Picks: Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer 這些作品來自於Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer兩個藝術家的合作,他們分別居住在柏林和蘇黎世。經由某個網站上的圖片來源找了回去,仍然沒有得到太多的訊息,只知道它們叫做Flügel,德文的翅膀。接著就想到前一陣子發現藏在神秘之處的某張紙條上的句子,「基於模糊的動機,所凝聚成的現象」這句話抄寫在跟這些翅膀狀態很相似的紙張上面。斷掉的、散落的、遺失主體。
James Blake - Overgrown This new music video is directed by Nabil Elderkin, who's previously worked with Kayne West and Bon Iver. As it's his first time working with James Blake, he's done a great job with poetic scenes for Blake's music. Though it seems the video also featured the character from Harry Potter.......
POP-UP Variety Shows on 14 April! 一天限定!除了瀑布線上商店裡原有的書以外,還有五花八門的藝術攝影新書二手書,來不及上架的新書也會跟著登場。適逢瀑布總部搬遷,到時候除了書以外還會多一些有的沒的不知道如何歸類的東西,總之快點自己來挖寶吧!
The families of flowering plants Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval by L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz(1992 onwards). Always fond of the texture of these botanical hand drawings, it's more like art than science when they've been recorded in this way.
OPEN CALL FOR WATERFALL #6 We are callling for sumbissions for the next waterfall journal, the topic for this time is FOOD.
Xue Picks: Momomi 前一陣子看見了一段影片,將泡泡在零下氣溫結成冰的過程拍攝下來,一層圓形薄膜的周圍像突然想起什麼重要事情的春天,一朵一朵開出霜製的花。來自韓國的攝影師Momomi,拍攝的作品裡總帶著一點溫柔涼爽的空氣,呼吸起來很輕鬆。在結冰的畫面裡面不曉得為什麼也覺得有春天的影子。
Double by Wanshu Lu and Jiexin Lin A selection from the series Double, a collaboration between two artists: Wanshu Lu and Jiexin Lin. All mobile photos were selected from two different phones, which the owner took in random places and times. Each pair meets the similiar interstes in some way.
Shanbei, Telling a tale by the Blind: A photo show by Ching-Shao Yen 「 這兒,看不見的人正給看得見的人說一本『書』, 一本他們牢牢記在心底的先人的書,一本他們親身體驗、感受過的書, 一本一代一代以心靈相傳的書。 」
DIMENSION VARIABLES by Nico Krijno Nico Krijno photographs are at once hyperreal and otherworldly, seen as a physical performance with humour, sexual innuendo and surreality present in equal measure. Raw as well as magical, the work contains a dirty realism he is beginning to make his own.
Farfromwords by Laure Prouvost Laure Prouvost was born in 1978 in Croix-Lille, France and lives and works in London. In 2011 she was awarded the Max Mara Art Prize for Women, chosen from a distinguished shortlist of artists which included Spartacus Chetwynd, Christina Mackie, Avis Newman and Emily Wardill.
Xue Picks: Aidan Koch Aidan Koch描繪出來的日常景象與切片,可以暫時讓我把自己丟進一座植物園、沒有遊客嘈雜聲的靜謐海邊、在公車上前往目的舒服發呆的座位。把氣氛濃縮在描繪出來的邊界裡面。有時候也在想,如果因為氣候或其餘不可抗的因素,不適合出外郊遊,到有很大廣場的公園、烈日沙灘,那些簡單普通的風景地點。只能待在室內的話,也許有其他替代的事物能感受相似的心情。
Elles se rendent pas compte. (They don't realize.) by Armand Yerly The materials are chosen by instinctive criterias, but if I had to explain them, I would say that on one hand I am (almost inevitably) in a recycling perspective, and on the other that I choose a material for his “reality level“, which has to be high enough. For instance, I consider wood to be more “real“ than paper or cardboard (not used) as it is less moldable, less easily accessible, thus more efficient. Paint for example is generally avoided, as its “thickness“, or “reality level“ is very small on this instinctive scale.'
Alles: Anne Schwalbe's Photo Exhibition Anne Schwalbe is a photographer from Berlin holding her solo exhibition “Alles” at POST/LimArt. It's the first time she's held an exhibition in Japan. The title of the exhibition is "Alles" which translates to "All" in English. Anne has selected a few different prints from, “Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt”(2010), Wiese”(2011), and “Vulkan oder Stein”(2012) to be on display at the show.
All's Well, Ends Well: A dou show presented by Run Amok Gallery The movie itself is used as a mean by En Ning to traverse through spatial and temporal boundaries; it also acts as a tool to select and extend her imagination, claiming these scenes as hers. Similarly, Wu Ma’s choice of portraying his characters in traditional Chinese costumes suggests an attempt to retrieve a certain archetypal period of time that is believed to be long gone.
Topographies of A Lie by Sue-Elie Andrade-Dé Sue-Elie Andrade-Dé, an half french, half portuguese photographer born in France in 1986. She graduated in Photography from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Photography d'Arles. Since 2010, She's been working as an independent visual artist collaborating with few artists as André Cepeda, Manuela Marques, and Victor Martins on books, photography & interactive installation's project.