Special feature of NOT TODAY 2/6 –– 日常宇宙 The living universe 在三十坪左右的公寓背景底下,他們分享持家的理念、對居所與生活的想法;細膩的家庭肖像照底下,是歲時移動的細節和軌跡。
Asia Anarchy Alliance 亞細亞安那其連線 2014/5/12 n 2014, the third year after the incident of 311 Fukushima nuclear disaster, with the leaking of radiation and nuclear waste issues still remain unsolved, which alters the political map of the leading countries in Asia. In order to continue its political influences, the governments and multinational enterprise adapt neoliberalism more closely as its consequences.
Out of “Paradise” by Reiner Riedler Reiner Riedler had the luck and pleasure being assigned by Austrian director Ulrich Seidl to join the production of his movie trilogy Paradise – Love, Faith and Hope. And he was asked to follow the red line of the idea of ‘Paradise’ and felt free to find my own approach to this idea.
Take a look at YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2014 今年度的YAT特別著重當代攝影藝術,除了舉辦「Portfolio Review」這類在其他歐美亞國家行之有年,由創作者向攝影圈前輩、資深評論者展示作品的交流、評圖活動;也邀請了首屆亞洲攝影節策展人顧錚、韓國東江國際攝影節創辦人金升坤、日本木村伊兵衛寫真賞評審瀨戶正人,針對當地代表藝術家的作品,特別策劃焦點式的攝影展覽,展現當代亞洲的攝影藝術風貌。
Shashasha 写々者: Delivering Japanese photography to the world 來自日本的線上平台〈shashasha 写々者〉,秉持著對攝影的熱愛,無論在實體出版或數位化領域皆下足了功夫,默默累積日本攝影相關資料,建構出一個擁有龐大資料的平台,是目前為止亞洲攝影資料庫的瑰寶。
Rosa Rendl: Keep Silence and Breathe Gently 沒有過多的雜音的視覺語彙,Rosa Rendl以平面的方式去呈現三維空間,藉由近距離處理被攝物,使畫面中的物件和建築結構趨於單純。構圖一貫的抽象簡約,卻絲毫不顯冰冷,色調柔和,宛如朦朧的午睡片刻。
The Broken Arm by Nicolas Poillot The name, The Broken Arm, is inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s work of readymade—“In advance of the broken arm.” Under the artist’s manipulation, an iron snow shovel goes beyond its own commonness and universality as an everyday object, so that the audiences are no longer bounded by its basic shape and function; art, thus, departs from the so-called “track”, participates in the society, and becomes one of its members, mingling with everyday, business, thoughts, and so on.
NOT TODAY magazine #2 is out! Continuing the debut issue’s scale, the second NOT TODAY has come out, with finer details and more appealing stories. Another 6 items in OBJECTS; 2 visits to Frankfurt am Main and Buenos Aires for INTERVIEWS. The wonderful duo from Thisispaper made dumplings and borscht and potato cheesecakes for THE KITCHEN. As SOMETHING SPATIAL, this time is about artist-in-residency.
Ghost House: Ohad Matalon’s solo exhibition While abandoned houses and ruins are fascinating subjects, the artist goes beyond spectator. Matalon resists the role of spectating recorder, and disturbs the trace of time in these spaces by rearranging objects, alluding to existence and memory in recreating a “still here” presence in these abandoned buildings.
SHAO YEN 2014AW: Ripple Crisp silver moon blues and deep sunset reds reflected in tranquil winter waters are recreated to form the main colour palette of Shao Yen’s AW14 collection. A ripple can create a sight of natural beauty or an environment of spectacular phenomena.
Into the Layers by Sasa Stucin Sasa Stucin is visual artist and recent Royal College of Art graduate who turned focus towards new surface strategies, fictions of the amazing future and desert, while taking photos, making cakes, eating oysters and turning architectural exemplars into coffee tables.
Typhoon Blues by Tom Kondrat 'Since I moved to Taiwan a year ago I found typhoons very intriguing. I've never experienced them while living in Europe (obviously) and all the tv news and stories I heard made them even more mysterious and at the same time exciting for me. So when the first typhoon in the season hit Taiwan this year, I decided to experience it with my camera. - Tom Kondrat
Mapping by Sarah Eisenlohr The series transformed existing magazine imagery of landscapes and architecture by introducing people who live and interact with these places, as a way to re-map idealized and untouched places in relationship to dynamics of space, time, and culture.
Landscape by Meng-Tang Chuang 每幅作品都是由一張風景照片與一張情色圖片所拼貼的畫面。風景照起初皆是藝術家在一趟旅行之中攝於英國南部海岸(Jurassic Coast)的單純照片。藝術家受到John Stezaker的拼貼作品影響,蓄意在這些未經任何預先構思且單純的旅遊照片中,加入其他因素來影響觀看者的角度。
Homes by Mu-Tien Tammy Ho The windows in our houses demarcate a permeable boundary between the inside and outside. The interior is a shelter, a back region, and a place that offers a sense of relaxation; people on the exterior are not invited to enter this intimate space. However, the boundaries of our ‘castle’ can somehow be crossed by simply looking through the windows.
遠流別境 libLab bookstore: an alternative visiting experience in Huashan 「我原先是空間設計師,卻因為這個空間,轉換身份成了經營者,過去的工作模式是,空間設計完了,我的任務也結束了,現在卻必須把『經營者的心態』給帶進來,這於我來說,更像是把生活態度給帶進這裡。」老建築裡上演著身份轉換、找尋新定位的故事。
FOOD extra: Lovely Daze Special Edition "Rose" 這個跨領域的共同創作把多年生花卉與食材成分並置一塊,藝術模糊了「玫瑰」的界限,引發了關於顏色、嗅覺或其他同樣令人感覺美好和易感的想像。
FOOD extra: BAO 創意飲食品牌「包 Bao」穿梭在市集、咖啡廳與酒吧,販賣一系列的小吃,尤以刈包為招牌,嚴選食材、手工製作。做為一個美食咖啡館、街市小吃、快餐店,Bao的格局包含一個開放式廚房和公共的餐桌區,台灣街頭的靈感在倫敦開花,醒目的綠色小攤子與大燈箱,在有限的空間裡再現了台灣夜市獨有的生命力。