Lily, Lily, Human doing by Hao-Jhe Liao Lily, it represents home, it represents motherhood, or years of memories in the living room. Assembling such emotions and memories, yet it has become consumptive merchandise solely under the manipulation of the commercial market. Massive amounts of lilies have been sold as gifts or decorations. Stamens, which have been removed intentionally in order to keep their freshness, stacking up behind people’s memories tranquilly.
Very Good, Very Good by Yuxiang Dong 董宇翔 In recent years, I constantly photograph the landscape of my hometown while visiting my parents. Meanwhile, I combine photographs, newspapers, documents, and vernacular photos to investigate the transition of my hometown and the power of governmentality, capital, and medium that contribute to this transition.
Beach Sequence Pt.3 by Kirill Kovalenko All pictures were taken on the beaches of the Crimea, in a very controversial time period with different points of view. The beaches were chosen because they are considered by many people to be an indicator of the intensity of the rhythm of life in this place.
MeError by Leonardo Magrelli Apparently they are simple photos taken in front of a mirror: we should see ourselves reflected in it, but we don’t, as if we were invisible. In other words these pictures show us what mirrors reflect when we are not in front of them.
Trace by Julie van der Vaart Julie van der Vaart took the theory of panspermia as her starting point, which says that life on earth originated by contamination from outside. This made her look at the human as an alien, something ”strange” that must be investigated. Julie’s images serve as evidence for this strange form of life and are presented as a collection of traces.
A Micro Odyssey by Marco Castelli The trinomial photography, planets and bacteria and the binomials heaven and earth, finite and infinite, known and unknown, give shape to the emotions and reflections that Marco Castelli’s work wants to convey and inspire. Opposites vie for our moods and our feelings: dark and light, fantasy and reality, truth and abstraction.
Elsa Leydier : Behind The Image Leydier was born in France, 1988. Now lives and works between Lyon (France) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). In her photographic work, she aims to interrogate images that are used to define places or people and tries to reveal the weakness and paradoxes carried by the images.
Give Me Yesterday 把昨天給我 “Give Me Yesterday,” curated by Francesco Zanot, will inaugurate the program of Osservatorio, Fondazione Prada’s new exhibition space located in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan and dedicated to photography and visual languages. The show includes works by 14 Italian and international artists.
Confessions on the apple incident by Tine Bek It's an ongoing project. It's about seduction of objects and flowers. The object and representation of the apple, sin is all around us. An adaptation of the fall in our everyday. Isolating elements of seduction. An archive of memorabilia all linking to seduction, temptation and allurement. The immediate reaction to guilt, after the first bite.
Leaves Without Routes 無來由之葉 This exhibition focuses upon the long-term relationship between Taiwan and Japan, as exemplified through the Taipei Botanical Garden and the Japanese house within it, to consider how other places have shaped Taiwan, and also how Taiwan is imagined - fictitiously or otherwise - by those from other places or people.
Waterfall at NYABF 2015! We are thrilling to join this wonderful NYABF, at MoMA PS1, from 18–20 September this weekend. Find us and say hi at Table R08 (2F) if you're in town!
Nowhere in Taiwan by I-Hsuen Chen Influenced by the idea of the “road trip” in American photography, exemplified in the work of such photographers as Robert Frank, Stephen Shore, and Joel Sternfeld, the artist sets out to find scenes and situations that seem to be “in between,” neither landscape nor cityscape but existing in an ambiguous space so called “nowhere.”
Flash Fiction: Adrian Samson 從早先強烈的敘事性到逐漸發展出來的抽象性,Adrian在每一個系列中,從不停止探索新的表現方式。比起形式的限制,他更積極地處理什麼是他希望觀眾所看到的。
The Vision of the City by Po-Chieh Chang 「某一層面來看,Google Map的世界已取代了自身對環境的認知,而改變了日常生活中對於外界的探索與互動。」而藝術家使用關鍵點搜尋為出發點,直接以自己的身體在城市中移動遊走,經歷真實的當下,對比虛擬界面使用經驗的便利。
Metamorphosis by Hsiang-Lin Wang 我覺得人和人之間存在著既親密,卻又極近複雜的巧妙關係。身為人類活著本身就不是一件容易的事,我們常藉由很多外在行為以掩飾內心的恐懼,但似乎很難好好檢視自己。
Born After Birth by Craig Gibson Baptists' believe baptism to be a public witness of the identification of one's faith within Christ in the symbolic process of his death, burial and resurrection.
The Living Universe - Bonus Track 在NOT TODAY雜誌第二期中,我們以日常宇宙(The Living Universe)為題,用家庭訪問的方式,討論在不同城市居住的人們對於家的想像。核心家庭、同志家庭、單身家庭、同居家庭⋯⋯現今各種類型的居住者已經改變了對於家的定義;一個空間可能在不同時間不同狀態下,必須重疊不同的功能,因此這個空間原本的定義也將被改寫。
Notes of Venice 2 踏入這座1588年落成的圖書館,由建築內部的樣貌就不得不先讚嘆當時威尼斯商業貿易活動的盛況,藝術家在圖書館內設立了網路機房,滿室藍光映輝著紀念廳內舖天蓋地的文藝復興內裝,這番情境讓人看著看著竟也從一開始的不協調感轉而合理。「秘密力量(Secret Power)」作為展覽名稱,可以是說情報的力量,也可以說是網路的存在、對於目前世界現狀影響的力量吧。